Monday 28 October 2019


Black trousers: an item almost too basic to be considered with any significance; mostly relegated to the realms of workwear and thus, despite being a guaranteed item in every wardrobe, oft overlooked. 
Until recently, the black trouser had mandatorily factored into my life namely as uniforms of mundanity (school and work) and occasions of solemnity (interviews and funerals). They were an item discarded as soon as their purpose had been fulfilled. A means to an end and nothing more. However, with the advent of my 28th birthday, a shift in proclivity occurred. 

Though I think ageing is a contributing factor to this, the collective shift in consciousness surrounding fashion's environmental impact is inescapable. An effort to educate the consumer is of priority. Being aware of where an item came from, how it were made and the implications of purchases (particularly fast fashion choices), is of vital importance in a bid to stop the damage done before it becomes irreparable. 

Interrogation of purchases is vital, as laissez faire shopping not only leads to unnecessary buys but also unnecessary environmental damage. There was once a time when the determining factor of any purchase, was whether I loved it or not. However, in the burgeoning climate of fashion woke-ness, I decided that longevity was a priority to be factored into every and all consideration. Investing in pieces that I may have previously scrimped on as a means of avoiding unnecessary waste. Though I must add that expense is not the only determining factor, as I aim to live by the mantra reuse and recycle (this transcending from my fashion choices to my life choices). Namely I seek to invest in quality pieces, browsing eBay and second-hand stores for items to be worn time and time again, vice making spur of the moment choices at Zara and the like. I intend to live a life in these items, rather than just to wear out a trend until its trendiness fades from the collective consciousness and we're on to the next.
To begin, I looked at those forgotten pieces. The items worn daily without consideration or thought. Those that are nothing in themselves, but are pivotal to the act of getting dressed. For some those pieces may include the perfect white t-shirt, or well executed blazer. For me it began with the black trousers. I too am shocked by these being my genesis of change. 

Though I have always owned a pair of black trousers, garnering varying amounts of wear throughout the years, they have never been a staple. More a necessity based on obligation. Previously they spoke of practicality and utilitarianism, a lack of individualism to befit the mould of whatever establishment I worked for. However, recently they have come to be one of the most well worn items in my wardrobe, by choice.

As with anything black in colour, black trousers go with everything and are thus translatable to any occasion. Unlike black jeans, that tend to endow an outfit with casual, black trousers elevate a look with sophistication. And thus the formula for dressing black trousers is infinite. Fashioned in its more traditional setting of workwear, black trousers are a classic foundation. Yet inverting the typical, black trousers can be updated with a pair of chunky trainers and teeny handbag, in what has become this year's fashion girl uniform. Or styled in simplicity, paired with a crew neck and tennis shoes, black trousers create a casually chic look that can be further adapted to befit a conference (add a blazer), a coffee date (add a bomber) or the club (add gold jewellery).    
And to further espouse the myriad ways of the black trouser, it's worth noting that there is not just one black trouser. Rather the styles are numerous; flared, straight, cropped, slit up the front, flecked, pinstriped. It was one such '& Other Stories' iteration that made me realise the black trouser as a stalwart of my personal style. For a whole week, I wore them everyday, from work straight through to the weekend and it wasn't boredom that made me retire them, rather a need to clean them. An essential annoyance which cemented the black trouser as the most necessary basic I own. 

And there endeth my rumination on the black trouser. What is perhaps the most boring of basics to ever excite your wardrobe. The black trousers are what you always had but never knew you needed to live a full and fashionable life. Plus they don't stain easily, so they may just be the most stylishly practical piece hidden at the back of your wardrobe.

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