Sunday 26 April 2020


As life has become downsized to that of four walls and socialising has been reframed as social-distancing; a reevaluation of how ones time is spent has buoyed to new significance. 
Puzzles, board games and colouring-in books have sold out; everyone from influencers to your next door neighbour fancies themselves the new Laurence Llewelyn Bowen or Charlie Dimmock; and the at home fitness workout scene hasn't experienced a boom this big since the 80s. I have turned to yoga and reading as a means of distraction and can proudly say that I have perfected my downward dog and have read more in the past three weeks than I did throughout the whole of 2019. I have also binge-watched the entirety of Netflix and have thus graduated on to Disney+.

Though aimed at fraught parents desperately trying to occupy busy children; Disney+ has lulled me in with its wealth of choice, namely the amount of 90's and 00's classics I'd long forgotten. During my first day's induction, I watched six films - needless to say it was a complete and total immersion into the Disney world. 

I began with 'The Parent Trap' and ended with '10 Things I Hate About You' and by the end of my marathon I was convinced that I too wanted to dress like a Disney star. Whilst the immediate inspiration for my imagined entrance outfit (post-quarantine) was more Cinderella than Lizzie McGuire, by the days end, I was a convert and have since been all consumed in reappropriating some of the fashion take aways from my foray into Disney+.  

The Parent Trap
Not to provoke any of the purists, but I chose the Lindsay Lohan version, being a child of the 90s and thus favouring the remake over the original. Taste aside, in a film whose premise is based upon identical twins discovering each other and attempting to reunite their estranged parents; fashion is the unacknowledged triplet, acting to establish and reinforce two very different characters. 

Annie with her two-tone pumps, twin sets and Chanel-esque tweed skirt suits, offering a more refined, sophisticated take on 90's dressing, not unlike the cardigan clad, By Far toting, strappy sandal wearing influencers of today. And Hallie in flannel shirts, denim cut-offs and collegiate sports wear, all items that gained new traction following the viral Vogue Paris feature in which the leisure wear looks of Princess Diana were reimagined. The film also has tie-dye (the breakout pandemic pastime), 90's hairstyles (Bella Hadid obviously watched this film too), that handshake (we've all tried it) and an appearance from Janice of 'Friends' (minus the trilling cackle).

Sister Act 2
Full disclosure, during my binge, I watched both Sister Act 1 & 2. However, with Lauryn Hill playing the troubled and troublesome teen, my favourite has always been the second instalment of the nun's escapades. While others seek to conform, Deloris is unable to be anything but herself, even whilst donning a habit (and under witness protection!) 

Clothing is used throughout as a vehicle for personal expression, as the teen's represent a new perspective, challenging convention and snubbing conformity. The figurative embracement of their individuality culminates in their literal refusal of uniformity as they strip off their robes during their musical crescendo to reveal a smorgasbord of 90s fashion. Cycling shorts and cropped tops, oversized shirts worn mid-waist, Dr Martens and chunky footwear, high-rise denim and dungarees; a veritable who's who of current fashion wonts.

Never Been Kissed
Previous to my recent deluge into Disney's back catalogue, the defining moment of this film was the heartbreaking prom egging. Though I never experienced this exact situation, it does conjure up uncomfortable memories of teen-hood and that overwhelming need to fit in. However, on second watch, the fashion is unavoidable. As Josie tries to navigate high school as a twenty-something, her discomfort and desperation manifest in her outfit choices. 

Her first day revisiting high school involved frosted eyeshadow, concealer lips and a feather boa. Despite this being a covert operation to expose the truth of teenage schooling, this outfit instead highlighted Josie as a clueless outsider and cemented her status as a wannabe. However, from the perspective of 2020, feather trim is the accoutrement of choice, from going out wear, bougie pyjamas and accessories that you need to fluff before wearing. Though it should be noted that frosted eyeshadow and paled out lips are never a choice look...

Freaky Friday
Another remake featuring Lindsay Lohan, another reminder of the transformative power of fashion. This truly was the golden era of LiLo (RIP - I can feel a 'Mean Girls' viewing coming soon too). Anna is an angsty teen, who nobody understands and who dreams of being a rockstar; cue low slung combat trousers, battered converse trainers and kohl rimmed eyes. I'm not positing that one adopt whole looks from this particular film as it is a very Disney-fied version of rebellion. 

However, elements are definitely classic cool-girl staples, as relevant today as they were then. The band's outfits feature looks not unlike those at 'I. Am. Gia', with tartan, exposed zippers and layered tank tops offering almost lookalike versions for those who wish to truly immerse themselves in all things freaky regardless of the day. With everyone from Kaia Gerber to the Jenners and Hadids embracing the loose fit cargo pants, chain detail trailing from arse pockets and tight fitted tops offsetting oversized bottoms. Even the questionable streaky hair dye is having a revival - though for this I blame quarantine boredom. 

10 Things I Hate About You
In a somewhat cheesy proclamation, I could list 10 things I like about this film with ease. Full disclosure, I could list more than 10 things that I like, but I'll curb my gushing at just the fashion. The film offers two very different versions of noughties style; preppy and perennially pissed off. Kat favours hip huggers, hung so low that they defy gravity in their ability to remain anywhere but about her ankles; mermaid-like hair tempting stares despite her determinedly eschewing the male gaze; midriff peeking out playfully despite her prickly demeanour; and chunky flatform sandals, the likes of which everyone from Teva to Chanel have created a variation of. 

In contrast, Kat's sister, Bianca is forever in lace trimmed camisoles and calf-grazing midi-skirts. Her hair accessories are likely to feature a flower, she probably smells like bubblegum and her dilemmas range from which she loves more, 'her sketchers or her Prada backpack?' and whether she'll get to go to prom with the jock. Despite Kat's attitude (all a defence to hide a deeper hurt fyi) and Bianca's short sighted naivety; the sisters' looks are as enviable as they are different and with emotions somewhat tumultuous during this time, their looks act to offer inspiration whatever your mood (or moods) may be.

And now back to Disney+; the Princess Diaries is calling...

(Photos via:,,,,,, @mathildadjerf,, &

Saturday 11 April 2020


Despite this blog being primarily focused on fashion, I always try to ground my writing in the context of today. And whilst I use this blog as creative escapism, I do always try to give a little thought to my surroundings, be that lighthearted pop cultural references or a nod to the socio-political occurrences of the day. In regards to the latter, I refrain from going too in depth as I do not pretend to know much about anything. Even when I write about fashion, it is purely opinion, having no formal training (other than being raised on issues of Vogue). 
However, in these unprecedented times, where much is uncertain and normal life is on pause, it felt wrong to write without acknowledging the situation. And even now, I am reluctant to say too much because I don't know what to say. I go through waves of boredom, then self-loathing for being so selfish, then waves of desperation to see my loved ones, then arguments with my siblings over who looked at who in what way, then great fear because the unknown is strange and scary, then lacking motivation, then self-beration because I am so lucky to have a job, a healthy family, food, etc; it's a bipolar vortex of feelings and emotions. 

I countdown to 5 o'clock only to dread the announcement as statistics scroll across the screen. Of course there have been great feats of camaraderie and never more have I felt such community and that, alongside silly memes and viral TikToks, are helping to pass the time in a somewhat meaningful way. And it seems like now more than ever, time is something that we all need to appreciate because if this pandemic has taught us nothing, it's that ultimately we are only human, fragile and fallible, human.

As a means of distraction for myself, I found great pleasure in collating these articles of varying degrees of usefulness, as my little offering of escapism to you. They are frivolous and I highlight them as bits of fun, not to forget or downplay the terrible time that we're all in, but as a five minute respite from the real world. I hope they offer you some solace. FaceTime your friends, hug your family and appreciate your surroundings, because that is what is truly important. Stay safe

Lounge Wear Down the Catwalk
With social distancing meaning that many people are homebound, sales of lounge wear have soared, as navigating what to wear when you've got no where to go, sits high on the collective agenda. Though getting dressed is a non-necessity, having a routine and outfitting oneself for a new day, breaks up the monotony of home confinement. But whilst the majority don their most pyjama-like clothing, Chanel have released a pair of leggings. Unexpected, yes. Perhaps not so unexpectedly, they cost £1710. The Chanel-centric leggings feature the infamous double C's and multi-coloured jewels, making them (alongside the Khaite cashmere bra), the bougiest loungewear ever. True to the Chanel aesthetic, they were dressed up with Mary Janes and tweed, which is how I'm sure we'll all be styling them - once the money has come through after selling both kidneys, of course.    

Finger Painting
Time indoors has many turning to self-improvement, yoga, meditation, workout classes etc and whilst all very worthwhile, being unable to attend ones general maintenance appointments has a detrimental effect on one's outer appearance. And though superficial, taking care of oneself is a distraction during this time. Lack-lustre hair, outgrown nails and the peekaboo of unwanted hair about ones body are all physical consequences of this current situation. And so self-pampering has come to new relevance. Whilst there are certain things that I would not attempt myself (err, waxing), manicuring is something that I could waste some time doing, albeit with a little help from Vogue. For those less dexterous this step-by-step guide is a good place to start. 

All in the Past
During this time, I have decided to finally tackle the stack of books loitering at my bedside. However, I may have been side-tracked by the common-interest pieces filling up my inbox. One of which I found particularly compelling and truly informative. As many people use this time to develop a new skill, take up a new hobby or educate themselves; I found solace in realising all of the past celebrity couples that I never knew existed - Jenna Dewan & Justin Timberlake? Janet Jackson & Matthew McConaughey?? Fill your time enlightening yourself with all the couples that were and prepare to be truly baffled...

Time to do Nothing
Another article that piqued my interest and took me out of my mundanity, was one on procrastination - which I ironically read whilst I should have been doing work... Now that time is completely spent within the home; work and play are hard to distinguish, as both are spent predominantly at the kitchen table. Even doing the dishwasher has become appealing, as has staring out of the window. It would seem that anything that I should be doing, has now become almost impossible without summoning up the determination of an ant about to lift 5000 times their body weight, and that's only when I'm about to lift my pen to write the date. Read on to understand the psychology of procrastination and how to alleviate the affects.(Or if nothing else, to waste five minutes). 

Out of the Funk 
What better way to end this round-up than with a Kardashian? Though I can promise no drama, no nudity and no 'k' puns. Whilst purusing Poosh (another means of procrastination...) I fell upon an article detailing 'How to get out of a funk' and I couldn't think of anything more apt. Despite being written outside of the context that we find ourselves in now, there are many points that can be put into practise either in the house or whilst fulfilling your daily quota of exercise. Whether it's encouraging a shift in perspective or writing up a bucket list to distract your mind to the positive. Feeling down is part of normal life, however, this is a proactive means of addressing and hopefully alleviating the funk.

(Images via:, @thehangedit, 

Thursday 2 April 2020


Sometimes buying new is easier than shopping from ones existing wardrobe. The temptation to stroll/scroll before even considering the rails of ones own belongings, is too easy. The accessibility of newness is overwhelming. Whether actively seeking it out or not.  And now with staying in the prescribed advice during this strange new normal, retailers slash prices ever further, in a bid to mitigate the impact this pandemic has on the economy, by encouraging consumers to buy, buy, buy. Whilst the ethics of shopping are murky right now, attention can instead be refocused to shopping much closer to home;  as in, shopping ones own wardrobe
Whilst normal life has been temporarily altered, I have decided to reevaluate how I spend this time. And with the seemingly endless uncertainty of now, it's important to fill ones time in a meaningful way, whatever that may mean for you. For me, I'll be spending time with my family and I have committed to practising yoga, finally partaking in the adult colouring-in craze and rediscovering my wardrobe.

The last one is rather fitting as I remain stalwart in my resolution to buy less and re-wear more. And in quite the serendipitous moment, my wardrobe unceremoniously collapsed, making it impossible to ignore that I had reached full capacity. My wardrobe was so bloated that clothes became swallowed up in yet more clothes. Items defied gravity, hanging purely from the pressure of being squeezed in, wrinkles etched deep into clothing that had been laboriously ironed, all lost in the abyss of wardrobe wastefulness. However, the expulsion revealed the under-appreciated and overlooked anew and inspired me to reimagine my existing wears by shopping my wardrobe
It began with a blue, long sleeved sequin top. A shape and fit reminiscent of your comfiest sweater. Hanging perpetually off the shoulder, imbuing it with a sense of casual not usually synonymous with sequinned anything. Thus making it both glamorous and understated. Whether dressed up or down, or hanging on a wall ornamentally and having single-handedly resolved many a 'nothing to wear' conundrum whilst giving endless love despite my apparent flakiness; this is a piece that epitomises unexpected versatility

Secondly, I found a piece that up until recently, I had been avidly trawling eBay for: the band tee. Yet, hidden amongst my selection of white t-shirts, was a 90's Madonna tour t-shirt. A t-shirt that had once been the t-shirt, worn to any and all important events since the age of 16. It bears the marks of a scissor-happy teen, intent on customising all things and who evidently was not precious about her clothing, making it truly uNiQUe. 
The third piece salvaged was a capped sleeve, lace bolero. Its prettiness making it the perfect counter-part to the aforementioned t-shirt, or light layer to complement outfits during warmer climes. It's delicate without being dainty, sweet without being saccharine and pretty without being prudish. I can only think that this was ignored for fear of permanent fake-tan damage? Though I vow to adopt a complexion of Morticia Addams in exchange for resurrecting this.

And last to be re-appreciated, was a long forgotten skirt that is best described as unusual. Being a mish-mash of styles; both long and short; patterned and of solid colour and straight and pleated. All with a step hem, though not cascading down the side, but split at the front, creating a look of two skirts in one. Needless to say, it is something that needs to be seen to be fully understood and now having been reunited, I assure that this will be.
My exercise in Marie Kondo-ing got me thinking about what makes an item worth keeping and ultimately it's ever evolving. I've kept pieces that I love and let go of pieces that I've loved. And perhaps I will outgrow my current pieces. But I think that this is what makes fashion exciting. The ability to grow and express that growth through clothing that visually represents a specific time, place and version of yourself. And just as suddenly that moment in time and the clothes you're in fade from the 'now' to the 'then'. 

And therein lies the importance of reflection. Something that I have spent a lot of time doing recently. And whilst materialism is not important - especially during these unsettling and uncertain times - clothing is a tangible measure of personal growth and thus a talisman of the transience of life. A signifier of the past (past events and past trends), evoking memories both good and bad. Some of which are to be held on to and others just need to be released. Freeing up literal and figurative space in ones wardrobe, and more importantly, ones life.

(Pictures via :, &