Friday 24 April 2015


Being considered 'fashionable' is usually accredited with having huge volumes of clothing. Options keep style from veering towards the mundane *or that's what I tell myself...* However, with that being said, versatility may just be the spice of life and the kryptonite of style ruts around the world if you will. You hear of wardrobes condensed down to the bare essentials, the perfect curation of necessity but for most (myself most definitely included) this degree of meticulous organisation (or depravity) remains elusive. 
Despite my inability to withstand multiple purchases of worryingly similar items, I think that there might might be something to this curation lark. Perhaps I should add that my wardrobe actually snapped under the pressure of holding so much weight and this may in part be the driving force behind my interest in downsizing my wears... 

So whilst my wardrobe resembles a cracked egg shell - all broken and pitiful looking - I started to think of the merits behind paired-back dressing. I asked myself the hard hitting questions, like: "do I need nine white t-shirts?" and "is it okay to own numerous items because I like them and not because I actually wear them?" With such thought-provoking, insightful and probing questions as that, I: 
a) debated a career as a news anchor.
b) got lost in a montage-stylee mega reminisce of my formative years, namely the saviour that was my school uniform.
c) stuck sticky tape on my wardrobe pole in a last ditch attempt to ignore my evident hoarder tendencies.
Now, I know that whilst struggling as a tween to 'find myself' and express this ever-changing self through a medium as stringent as a uniform, it was more often an annoyance than a blessing. But with good old hindsight I note that the glorious monotony of pre-picked clothing was conducive to more lie-ins, less early morning 'I have nothing to wear' teen tantrums, and discouraged any kind of comparative bitchiness until after school hours (when your brain was all awake and stuff and could make such critical decisions). And I find that even though we may have left the school halls behind us we never truly leave behind the mentality of uniform dressing

As we get older we inform our wardrobes and sense of style with something innately 'us', but it takes time to create and curate this rendition of ourselves. We inadvertently master a persona through our clothing. Like when people say, "this is so you". We become known for a certain 'look' and we ourselves buy into certain looks. For example check out all the Coachella coverage (or faux-chella as called it) to witness the army of people appropriating what it is - or what people en mass think it is - to be at a festival. Uniforms are a comfort, they encourage sameness. Whether you believe that they stifle individuality or function as an equaliser; uniforms sure do take the uncertainty out of getting dressed! With all this said I figured I'd write a rundown of those special few who transform their uniforms into 'one outfit wonders'. Let their commitment to a look inspire you.
The 90s are cool again. That is probably the most underwhelming statement I have ever made... However, the 90's show Daria had some good things going on, namely her choice outfit. Before Lena Dunham there was acerbic teenager Daria and she did sarcasm in biker boots like no other. Her favoured military jacket was sure to be the sole inspiration behind Marc Jacobs SS15. And Coach's Stuart Vevers proclivity for orange surely stems from Daria's affinity with the colour. Also is it just me or does Leigh Lezark resemble Daria's BFF, Jane Lane? 

Daphne Blake
Scooby Doo informed my growth into adulthood immeasurably. Teaching me that those with a good moral compass will inevitably have the best wardrobes, and crime fighting should always be done in heels, preferably platforms. Scoob himself taught me the power of a statement accessory but Daphne was pictorial proof of what good grooming and colour coordination can do for you. And Michael Kors agrees, or at least the doppelgänger that he sent down the runway would lead one to assume so. Let's all dye our hair purple in honour of the auburn haired damsel in-a-dress. 

Spongebob Square Pants
I do not like SBSP. The jokes are whack, his laugh is annoying and Gary is stupid. But yes, I do realise that it is a show aimed at children so perhaps my disconnect is to be expected somewhat. However, despite all my ranting I guess Jeremy Scott saw something that I clearly didn't with the merging of the Sponge and Moschino, which leads me to at least commend his commitment to a shirt and tie. VB garners huge praise for her pristine attire so why shouldn't SB get the same credit?
Wednesday Addams
Long before Alexa Chung claimed dibs on the Peter Pan collar, Wednesday was accessorising her LBD with starched white tips of the double 'P' variety. With her dead pan 'humour', enviable porcelain skin and cute braids, you'd be forgiven for overlooking her psychotic tendencies. But if Rihanna can market herself as a real life 'bad gal' then I'm sure Miss Addams can riff off her penchant for destruction in babydoll dresses. After all the girl does monochrome like no other...   

Who are your one outfit wonders? Let me know in the comments below :) 

(Images via:,,,, & 

Tuesday 14 April 2015


Now that Spring has sprung and the promise of Summer is in full bloom our sartorial inclinations tend to lean towards colours that reflect this brighter outlook. All things black are neglected at the back of the wardrobe ready for their annual revival come Autumn, whilst no other colour comes to better represents the season than yellow. 

But here's where I take issue. I don't like yellow. Pale yellow looks sallow, wishy washy as they say, like you've yet to discover Daz. Whilst bright yellow transmits an overbearing sense of happiness. You're wearing yellow, ergo you must be happy, which let's be honest isn't often the case (we're 20-somethings living in recession Britain, we're allowed to be forever furrow browed) Does it mean something that I shy away from a shade synonymous with good feelings, sunshine and cute easter chicks? I'm assuming so but that's a chat I'll save for a professional during my probably quarter-life crisis.
I applaud those who manage to wear yellow and not resemble a living emoticon smiley. Truly I do. Or perhaps I applaud their conviction in wearing yellow regardless of the unfortunate likeness. Whatever my personal proclivities or prejudices, I have decided to embrace the trans-seasonal shift by peppering a little yellow throughout my closet. If you too share my hesitation, then perhaps these pictures will offer some much needed how-to. Let us traverse the yellow brick road together and unite in our uncertainty, and hopefully fabulously colour coordinated outfits.    
Yellow was the go-to colour at Burberry Prorsum SS15, with yellow ensembles refreshingly paired with everything but black. Whilst Ralph Lauren matched sunny yellow with military green, injecting an element of fun into the stalwart sophistication typical of the fashion house.  

The key seems to be to ignore its blinding properties - I find that shades combat the glare nicely - and adopt all manner of textures. Flat colour is somewhat boring, not to mention the resemblance to a bowl of custard is unsightly and according to every fashion book I have ever read, is not a look to be re-appropriated willingly. 

Though I may not have the conviction inherent to Solange and her bold outfit choices yet, I think my subtle yellow jumper is a good place to start. Call it chickening out, call it a compromise, just don't call me Big Bird.

Monday 13 April 2015


What does one do when writer's block sets in? 
Rely on pictures of course! Here are a few that conjure up musings of summertime, sparkles, (non-ironic) flowers in your hair, more jewellery than can possibly be worn at once, lie-ins forever, all white ensembles, t-shirts that talk, weekend warriors & shoes that shine.  

(Images:, (Kylie Jenner's Tumblr FYI), & Unknown)

Wednesday 1 April 2015


The Only Way Is Essex (TOWIE) may be a lot of things; however a tool for enriching the mind is probably not immediately synonymous with the show. Or is it? How often does one get to chill out? To truly appreciate the moment and let all materialistic inclinations melt away? Toilet breaks don't count btw. We live in a world inundated with information, making it nigh on impossible to take a respite from all the hubbub of life. To rectify this, might I posit that you  'turn on, tune in and drop off' to... TOWIE. Yes, really.
(So mad that I didn't think up that pun...)
I honestly believe that an episode of TOWIE is just as enlightening and spiritually enriching as a meditation session. On watching the 'reality' show enfold, I feel completely zen. In a word, content. It may sound like I've spent too long in amongst a cloud of hairspray but please, read on. 
I'll begin with the theme tune. The mantra 'the only way is up' instills positive energy from the outset. Whilst the jazzy tune warrants an uncontrollable - though subtle - shoulder bob, which encourages the relaxation of muscles, thus promoting the kind of good posture conducive to reaching that place of inner harmony. Amen. 

As the programme begins you may experience slight sensitivity as your senses adjust to the glaring shades of orange and blinding gnashers staring back at you from the screen. Use this as an exercise to strengthen your mind but as with an eclipse, refrain from looking directly at the florescence. Your optometrist will thank me for this advice. 

Now leave your mind free to wander. Let their droll words wash over you, they will inevitably numb the mind to that of a relative state of comatose. However, fear not the very real possibility of drifting off. Their exclamations of shuu'up will keep you tied to the present, which is what meditation is all about, after all. Relish the distance you have from the onscreen drama, but remain unaffected by it. Rather let it ground you in real reality. Appreciate the luxury that is breathing non-fake tan smelling air. Be thankful that you don't smell like a biscuit and that your hair is not a fire hazard. 
Now let the rolling end credits wipe your mind as you're welcomed back into the room. And take solace in knowing that, whilst your life may not constitute a reality TV show, no one ever said that that was a bad thing. 

P.S What the heck has Charlie done to his hair?!? (The meditation is over so I'm allowed to make superficial comments btw)

(Images via: &