Sunday 20 April 2014


So after 40 days & 40 nights (46 in actuality but you know, who's counting…) of living life chocolate free, I can now officially say that I'm tucking into the chocolate equivalent of Mount Snowdon. And it's only breakfast time.

I plan on having a light lunch, so I can accommodate more chocolate and then for dinner I'll have a variation on the chocolate theme that's running my life at the moment (I'm thinking a white and milk combo), followed by, yup, you guessed it, a chocolate dessert, but to stop any chocolate fatigue (pfft like that would happen) I'll throw in some caramel for good measure just to keep things fresh.  

Chocolate has been on my mind continuously over the last few weeks. Many an internal monologue has revolved around why I made the confounding decision to part ways with the glorious stuff. And as usual my family have been supportive as ever - continuing to buy the most chocolatey of desserts and lavishly eat it all up (right in front of my face I might add)  but not before asking if I wanted any, with a giant smirk across their faces (my little brother in particular). I guess it only adds to strengthen my willpower - if nothing else it demonstrated the fortitude of my restraint!

But I made it through those dark days and here I am devouring chocolate macaroons, just because I can.

And with it being Easter and all, plus my having fallen across this utterly inspiring article from Vogue '10 Reasons Not To Feel Guilty About Eating Chocolate', I figured a chocolate post was more than necessary, if not utterly imperative.

Please feel free to drool.

 (,, Lauduree Macarons, Cadburys)


 (None of these photos are my own and I don't take any credit for them)

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