Tuesday 1 July 2014


It's summertime. At least I think it is. Let me just check out the window - luckily for me work has floor to ceiling glass panels, giving the impression of being outside without any of the perks of actually being outside, like you know heat. Whilst this simulation of summer is really a swell incentive to slog it out indoors (I'm sure you'd agree) I'm actually quite thankful for the refuge work offers me from the typical summer uniform. 

(Image via Pinterest)

Yes that's right, along with summer comes summertime dressing. And yes I realise that's a kind of a 'duh?!' statement. Hopefully the rest of this post will offer something slightly more profound - probably not though. It's the  season of the naked foot also known as 'naked foot season'. Sandals are the olive branch of fashion, bringing the most unlikely of people together and bridging the gap between the fashion conscious and the fashionably challenged. However, this year it would seem that I am excluded from this open-toed demographic and it's not just the overwhelming array of sandals that have got me stumped. Oh no. This year I'm faced with a different dilemma altogether. 
(A trend I won't be dipping a toe into this season. 
Image via Tomboy)

For as long as I can remember I have had a nail on each of my ten toes. Only once have I experienced a deserter and that was after a particularly vigorous netball game, other than that I've always been pretty well attached to my toenails. That is until a few days ago. It was there one day and gone the next. Pooof! I felt utterly despondent, dejected and damn right annoyed. Of all the times for this to happen it chose sandal season?! How inconsiderate. 

And because self-pity (and enclosed shoes) seem to be the order of my summer, I thought I'd mull among pictures of all the delightfully strappy sandals that I won't be adorning my feet with this summer. Lucky socks and sandals have always held a special place in my fashion heart ey. Still not sold of the ol' Birks with socks but when your prized toe is left barren what's a gal to do? 
(Am I capable of shirking the middle aged tourist associations of this look? Wish me luck… 
Image via Tomboy)


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