Friday 31 October 2014


I love Halloween. To the point where I could be mistaken for an American. Their over-the-top approach to the holiday is just so appealing to me. It's not even considered a holiday here. No day off. No exchanging of cards. Just an egged house and some hooligan behaviour. 

Because of my very British roots (read: traditional lack of interest in Halloween) I don't know where my love of All Hallow's Eve actually stems from; maybe my childhood love of Scooby-Doo? I hate fancy dress - nothing makes me feel more uncomfortable than face paint and wigs are itchy and number two, I hate being scared. Maybe it's down to my overactive imagination, but I cannot shake after-images of a scary film. It's with me for days, months even! The boyfriend can't believe that after two years of dating, we still haven't watched one together, like it's some right of passage or something. 

I wasn't actually going to do a Halloween post this year, I figured it was too cliche but when else in the year could I write one?! 

I vetoed going out this year, because, well see earlier issue with fancy dress. Having a break out due to an overuse of face paint, plus a freakout due to *accidental* consumption of said face paint, just doesn't do it for me anymore. Maybe this is a mark of adulthood… 

So as I was saying - or typing - this year I suggested staying in to avoid acne and blood stains. However, my casual suggestion of a film night has now become my doom. Whilst I was thinking of something along the lines of Halloweentown, my little brother and boyfriend have decided upon something else altogether. I am now faced with a new slew of potential horror flicks every single day. To take my mind off this, I have trawled the internet for some anti-horror nods to Halloween. You're welcome.  

Carving is so last year… 

I have no problem dressing up pumpkins, if I start dressing up cats then someone please get help

A subtle nod to Halloween and unlike a witch's hat, it won't leave your hair flat!

Who knew fake eyelashes and fangs went together so well?! 

Forget shop bought costumes and channel your favourite pop cultural heroes this Halloween. 

Have a boo-tiful Halloween!

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