Monday 8 December 2014


As the question mark to this post would suggest, I'm really not sure if my monday was a happy one or not... 
(Kicking Monday in the face)

It was more a blur than anything. A sleepless night, broken by my alarm yanking me out of my restless slumber (it was the Pogues so it softened the blow. Marginally.) Rolled out of bed to find my dressing gown wound around my neck (Final Destination 'end of the world' theories ran through my bleary head. Near miss? Maybe I should be considering it my lucky day…) Missed breakfast, though managed to be early to work (a feat that never usually happens), plus I discovered what had been rattling around in my boot - a half bottle of vitamin water and a (now broken) slab of chocolate - the beauty of balance my friends.

Work flew - a rarity - and I only had one eff'd off customer which is always a bonus and FYI it totally was not my fault. The radio on the way home was pretty bleak, with not one of my jams coming on but then again no one cut me up so I can't complain… 

Spent the whole evening doing work, and got a surprising amount done. I think productive would be the word that best sums up my day. All around nothing to write home about - hence why I chose to write it on here… 

What I'm trying to get at is that it's hard to live by the mantra 'live each day like it's your last'. Sometimes the main priority is just to get through the day. Yeah it might be boring and it certainly isn't a filtered Instagram picture that would garner any popularity or 'likes'. But that's the thing, we're all so preoccupied with appearing a certain way and leading a certain life. I read the other day about people posing with Starbucks coffee cups minus the coffee; they didn't like coffee but wanted in on the 'coffee club'. 
(Life is a whirl & good hair doesn't hurt)

Have we really come to this? Is life merely worth living just to look aesthetically pleasing? What about those days when you look like shit, or bugger all happens, or you just can't be bothered? What happens then ey? Do you just cease living until the time it takes for you to reappear on social media? 

Embrace the mundane, because life is so changeable you never know when the mundane will reach the top of your 'most missed' list. 

Bask in the boring nuances of life. I've just made myself a cup of tea and I'm not even going to snap a pic, or write up a witty one liner about my #cupper. I'm just going to enjoy knowing that it's just me in this moment (and now you, you lucky folk eh!).    

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