Thursday 29 January 2015


Bright Things On A Rainy Day by sophia2a 

Doing the rounds on Facebook at the moment is: 'Tell me 7 Facts About Yourself'. Now 'fun' things like this, in still in me the same dread that I feel when I'm faced with filling in the 'tell me a bit about yourself' section of a job application, or 'selling' myself when writing up my CV. It's hard when you're pretty much the poster girl for the average twenty-something to think of anything defining about yourself.

As I've mentioned before, I'm pretty chatty (or more pointedly, babble-some) which means that unless it's especially cringe-worthy, everyone I've ever met probably already knows about it. I'm just a sucker for panic-blurting in an exasperated fit to fend off the dreaded 'awkward silence', which makes my joining in with the above Facebook motion a rather moot one. 

However, to soothe my self-imposed exclusion from this club, I thought that I'd write up '7 Things That I Wish Were In My Wardrobe Right Now'. Clever, right? 
(I definitely wouldn't mind a view like this)

I'm not sure about where you are in the world right now, but the skies over Wales resemble the muggy water of an artist after cleaning all of their paint brushes in it. To distract me from these moody, threatening skies, I have decided that I need some colour in my life; something that you'd swear I had an aversion to if you looked in my wardrobe right now. So 'thing I wish was in my wardrobe' number 1, would have to be, well, a whole new wardrobe, preferably the combined closets of Cher Horowitz, Dionne Davenport and Elle Woods. Yes, apparently colour to me involves resembling a mash up of bubblegum pop, candy floss and a children's tv presenter. But hey, I'm willing to try anything to fend off these winter blues. 
(The Coveteur has got me coveting again...)

The second item that I do so wish was mine, should more correctly be referred to in the plural sense, as in items. I wish - like most people, I'm sure - that I had a shoe collection to rival that of Carrie Bradshaw's, preferably stocked full with Sophia Webster creations. Not only is she in good company with a name like that (lol), but her shoes are undeniably high-fashion yet humorous. They're made for the sartorially aware who don't take themselves too seriously, so yeah, they're totally made for me, right? One day I will own a pair, and when I do, I don't know whether I'll wear them or frame them... 
(The pout that inspired a thousand rumours)

So this one isn't technically a wardrobe-want, more a skill that I'd like to acquire. Lately, what was once a concern of the older generation staving off their receding lips, has become an area of great focus for every woman, totally irregardless of age. With the youngest of the Jenner/Kardashian siblings spawning speculation over her inflated lips and Khloe's pillow pout growing almost as quickly as her derriere (seems like everyone is chasing the Kim K booty!), lips are the feature of focus at the moment. Which leads me to numero tres: I wish I could pencil in a pout. I feel like lipstick is such a commitment but I would so love to be able to slick it on nonchalantly, without even a glance in the mirror. Whilst I'm not sure I'll ever get to the 'no mirror-check' stage, I live in hope. 
(Turtle-neck and orange to boot. Uh, need it!)

As an avid fashion guzzler, I'm embarrassed to admit that I do not own a polo neck! However, this one will be rectified imminently, if not for bonus points on the fashion richter scale, then to fend off the threat of pneumonia!
(Proof that together orange & navy create an ensemble worth lusting after)

The sixth in my list is a slight side note to my initial colour quibble (refer back to number 1). Yes I would love to have more colour in my wardrobe but to single one out for the purpose of this list, I wish I had orange in my wardrobe (hence the orange theme of the above Polyvore ^^^). Not as garish as yellow (yuck!) but still just as cheerful and it makes a delightful colour combination when paired with navy - which is my all-time favourite colour, hands down, forever, amen. 
(The chicest thing to peek out from under a chair)

And lastly, as ever, my focus once again turns to the shoes. With the 90's platform still riding high well into S/S15, and the renegade chunky 70's style making appearances everywhere right now, I feel an affinity to it's more streamlined cousin, the stiletto. The only conclusion I can deduce for my lapse in ownership of the most sophisticated of footwear is due purely to the sturdiness afforded of a block heel when wobbling around intoxicated, or, when like me, you're blessed with the grace of Bambi on ice.

I think perusing through the dream wardrobe that is Polyvore has gone to my head a little, but a girl can dream. Who knows, if I wish hard enough, they might actually materialise. (Side note: If this were to happen, I'd like to add the classic Chanel, chain strapped, quilted handbag, in black - not that I'm asking for much or anything...) Until then Polyvore collages will have to suffice!

(Images Via: Unknown, The Coveteur,,, & unknown)

Check out my Polyvore to find out where my picks are from sophia2a

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