Tuesday 27 January 2015


(What would Serena say?!)

1/ The return of the UGGly boot
I know that for some (or sadly most) Ugg boots never actually went away (though I so wish they would!). What they provide in comfort in no way compensate for the terrible, hoof-like things they do to your feet. And that's not to mention what the onslaught of copy-cat offerings did the nation, leaving them sloping inwards and thus waddling like ducks. The marmite of footwear. The winter counterpart of the summer croc epidemic. My personal nemesis. And as we know, where UGGs go leggings are sure to follow. Needless to say, I'm going to be a taking an extended rain check on this one. 

(It's hard to believe that this real life couple aren't actually models!)

2/ Breaking down barriers with Tiffany & Co
Making a statement against prejudice whilst purporting good taste in jewels? It's all in a days work for the folks over at Tiffany's, with their newest advertisement depicting a wedding proposal between a same sex couple - replete with to-die for engagement rings obv. A positive step towards, not just acceptance but hopefully an embracement of gay marriage. Because why should people marry whoever they choose to?   

(Rachel Blanchard (left) & Alicia Silverstone (right) Oh wait, no that's wrong?!)

3/ The doppelgänger that left me Clueless
'Clueless' the 1995 film based loosely on Jane Austen's novel 'Emma', will always remain in my top 5, though it does waver between position 3 & 4 depending on my mood. However, in the far reaches of my mind, I always thought that I had some vague recollection of a tv series, and wouldn't you know it, with one quick YouTube search, there it was, in all it's 90's bubble gum glory. And then it hit me. All those years of mistaking Alicia Silverstone and Rachel Blanchard  now made sense. With all the distraction of the feathered hats and garish ensembles can you really blame me though? But here it is, my official apology for being so 'blonde' all of these years.

(Padora Sykes ticking the tunic trend and sophisticated sweats lewk)

4/ Stop! Tunic time
With the 70's now an official thing (I feel like my blog has been overrun with this newsflash of late. Soz!) is it any wonder that the tunic is the next item from the decade du jour to be resurrected? Perfect for hiding certain areas that we ladies may consider unfavourable. Team with a sleek polo and bell bottoms to lengthen legs and counter balance the bottom-covering length of the tunic, or ignore me completely and style it up your way!

(Cara Delevingne: model/mad hatter/backwards necklace wearer)

5/ Backwards is the new frontwards
Few style updates require the same amount of time it takes to stick down the velcro on your trainers (hands down the best thing to make a come back eveeeer) however, this mini trend literally requires no time and only the skill of a novice hullahooper. Simply place your necklace around your neck, then swing or fling - depending on your personal preference - that bad boy 180 degrees, so that it dangles delicately between your shoulder blades. Forget the cleavage and channel the wise words of Sir Mix-A-Lot, because baby, got back - only, er, I actually mean back not derriere. 

(Shredded laundry chic anyone?)

6/ The underside of 90's fashion 
2015 is set to be the year of the comeback, with past trends the only thing fulfilling that sought after je ne sais quio; Sienna Miller reclaiming her style crown and now the return of TLC (though sadly without Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes, RIP). The internet is abuzz with the news and you've probably already heard allll about it. So as not to sound like a rehashing of, well, everyone, I thought I'd turn to the fashion side of the spectrum (duh). The 90's weren't all bindied Gwen Stefani, waif thin Mossy and dishevelled Courtney Love don't ya know. TLC were holding their own in tent sized trousers, the baggiest of dungarees, colour brights and er, condoms. Yeah, the last one is an anomaly to me too and I have it under good authority from an official 90's gal about town that it was considered pretty bizarre back then too! The 90's sure were an umm, eclectic (?), eccentric (?) time. 

(Ringin' it)

7/ The joys of the internet
I recently got my favourite ring stuck on my finger and I mean really stuck, like when you actually start to panic that it might be you and this ring, walking hand in hand (so to speak) forever. So I did what any panic-stricken twenty-something would do, I googled it.  Now advice ranged from suggesting that I twist dental floss around my finger and just before it falls off, to 'simply' twist the troublesome ring et voila (needless to say that I didn't try this one out). There was also the proposal of using Windex, which according to the 'authority of the internet', "often works best" (WTF? Who even considers these things as an option in the first place?!) or submerging your hand in water and just when it gets all crinkley and you get so disgusted at the sight of it, you just chop it off and be done with it - okay not really but who else hates that wrinkly water soaked skin thing? But my favourite has to be the recommendation to use peanut butter with the disclaimer: 'smooth not chunky' because, yes, getting a ring stuck on your finger also inhibits the functioning of your brain! I got so distracted by all of this riveting new information that the ring slipped off as if nothing had happened. This is the excitement of my life.

(Images via: igotuggs.com, thegloss.com, t13.cl, whowhatwear.com, glamour.com & unknown) 

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