Saturday 10 January 2015


Resolutions. They're funny things aren't they? But still we keep on making them, living in hope that this year will be the one that we surpass our every wish and whim. 

After my (rather lengthy) introspective ramble about the constrictions of resolution-making, I decided to channel the tortoise and take my time (hence this post being over a week late!) Perhaps combating tardiness should be at the top of my list… But whilst pondering what exactly it was that I wanted to accomplish over the next 52 weeks, I realised that perhaps over-thinking might be a good place to start. You see, it goes so well with procrastination; I fritter away time under the guise of 'organising my thoughts' when in fact it's just plain  idleness. Ironically my next thought was to write a list, which is basically an excuse to further waste time under the guise of 'formatting'. Being proactive and organised is a very delicate balance ya know. 

My main motivation behind figuring out 'life goals' was the feeling of great satisfaction I'd surely get once those little blighters were ticked off one by one.  

I won't pretend that it was easy. The desire to write: 'learn three languages, travel the world twice and read the entire collection of Dickens' works', was hard to fend off, but I came to the tough conclusion that it probably wasn't going to happen - at least not in the near future. Also I was sure that the stress of trying to accomplish any of these would in fact out weigh the eventual satisfaction of actually completing them. 

So I mulled it over some more (there goes that procrastination thing again…) and I decided to tackle things a little more do-able. Simple goals because as far as I'm aware, there's nothing in the rule book that denotes for resolutions to be insurmountable. I'm starting off small by making a conscious effort to do things now. For example, instead of walking the dog later, I will ask my brother to do it now, thus combatting my inclination of avoidance. 
I also decided to read more in an attempt to nourish my brain with intellectual substance, or something like that…
Another of my to-do's is to actually make use of my ever-expanding nail varnish collection. I plan to actually use them all (maybe even all at the same time) & re-do at the first sign of chippage.

I have amassed quite the collection of jewellery over the years. I have also forged some steadfast favourites that tend to get more wear than others. I plan to shirk this favouritism and embrace all of my jewels equally. I figure this will offer good practise for when I eventually have children, as I hear favouritism tends to breed bad feeling among offspring.

And there it is; my humble list of prospective accomplishments, and you know, if I happen to become fluent in any language along the way, all the better! 

Here's to a productive New Year! 

(Images: my own & unknown. None of the above images are my own & I do not claim credit for any unless stated) 

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