Wednesday 4 February 2015


Unconventional Love by sophia2a

Valentine's Day is a tricky one for both camps. Either you're the living embodiment of the inspiration that led to Beyonce's mega hit, 'Single Ladies', or you're part of a twosome; both have their complications. 

Camp A have to face the onslaught of nausea inducing V-Day cards acting as a reminder - as swift as a slap in the face - that the one day of the year when people are allowed, nay, encouraged, to gloat (whether purposely or not) about their love (yuck) is coming. This is where I feel the 'Jaws' theme tune should handily kick in. The reminder of this day has been lingering around in the corners of card shops the world over, pretty much ever since the fireworks of New Year's Eve stopped banging actually. Hallmark do so love this time of year. 

For the couples out there it's no better. The pressure of expectation, what gift to get? where to go? how serious are we? does that even matter? does Valentine's Day even mean anything? I have a friend who booked three restaurants for a romantic dinner, so that he could surprise his girlfriend by letting her choose where to go. Clever? Maybe. Outrageous? Definitely. 

And then there's the gift. Is it necessary? Should the lady get their guy anything? And if so, what? Is it wrong for us girls to expect to receive something? Because let's face it, we kinda do right? Or is this the one day out of all 365 when we're allowed to indulge our inner romantic whims and expect a bit of chivalry? 

So many questions, so few answers. Most of which are based off generalisations of sorts. I know there are many people completely content with their status, single or otherwise and I also know that there are many happy couples who couldn't give a f*^k about this particular day, that just acts to encourage overblown gestures of 'love'. 
(Going bananas)

True love is for everyday: love of oneself and love of another, or others in a plural sense. So forget the cliche (that goes for the sickly red & pink theme too btw) please, I beg of you! I'll be mixing black and navy (expressing my rebellion through the medium of clothing as always) and punctuating with rays of golden accessories, with the only allowance of red in one dramatic slick across my lips.      

Sending out much love <3

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