Tuesday 14 April 2015


Now that Spring has sprung and the promise of Summer is in full bloom our sartorial inclinations tend to lean towards colours that reflect this brighter outlook. All things black are neglected at the back of the wardrobe ready for their annual revival come Autumn, whilst no other colour comes to better represents the season than yellow. 

But here's where I take issue. I don't like yellow. Pale yellow looks sallow, wishy washy as they say, like you've yet to discover Daz. Whilst bright yellow transmits an overbearing sense of happiness. You're wearing yellow, ergo you must be happy, which let's be honest isn't often the case (we're 20-somethings living in recession Britain, we're allowed to be forever furrow browed) Does it mean something that I shy away from a shade synonymous with good feelings, sunshine and cute easter chicks? I'm assuming so but that's a chat I'll save for a professional during my probably quarter-life crisis.
I applaud those who manage to wear yellow and not resemble a living emoticon smiley. Truly I do. Or perhaps I applaud their conviction in wearing yellow regardless of the unfortunate likeness. Whatever my personal proclivities or prejudices, I have decided to embrace the trans-seasonal shift by peppering a little yellow throughout my closet. If you too share my hesitation, then perhaps these pictures will offer some much needed how-to. Let us traverse the yellow brick road together and unite in our uncertainty, and hopefully fabulously colour coordinated outfits.    
Yellow was the go-to colour at Burberry Prorsum SS15, with yellow ensembles refreshingly paired with everything but black. Whilst Ralph Lauren matched sunny yellow with military green, injecting an element of fun into the stalwart sophistication typical of the fashion house.  

The key seems to be to ignore its blinding properties - I find that shades combat the glare nicely - and adopt all manner of textures. Flat colour is somewhat boring, not to mention the resemblance to a bowl of custard is unsightly and according to every fashion book I have ever read, is not a look to be re-appropriated willingly. 

Though I may not have the conviction inherent to Solange and her bold outfit choices yet, I think my subtle yellow jumper is a good place to start. Call it chickening out, call it a compromise, just don't call me Big Bird.

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