Wednesday 21 May 2014


I have a sister.

Three years younger, hair twice as thick and the ability to chat at the speed of the Road Runner. She's quite remarkable.

Those are the stats but being one part of a twosome is far more complicated than that. 

I was three years old when it happened. It's vague I must admit, the news shrouded somewhat by my being allowed into the kitchen of the restaurant we were then at. 

It's a label you're either born into or is thrust upon you, no questions asked, no consideration given. POW! You're it. On June 19th 1994 I woke up to a new title and a present for life. But that wasn't it, along with this new tag I'd picked up came attached an impressive prefix - I was now the BIG sister. 

The weight of this didn't quite sink in until the first time my parents lectured, 'you're the eldest, you should know better!' The responsibility that resonated just from that word, 'should' marked my new life. Any fights (that she always started btw) I had sole blame for. 'She's the baby' was said almost daily to justify any 'but that's not fair!' protests I made. 

There was now this mini person, wavering between being my sidekick and my enemy. Despite the growing pains and the arguments that rivalled that of Shaggy and Scooby over the last Scooby Snack; we survived. Twenty years later we're still alive and able to stand each other (most of the time), in fact I'd go so far as to say she's my best friend.

No one knows you like your sister. She's got the honesty of a mother with the fashion courageousness afforded only by youth. 

They can be your best friend, at times your worst enemy and the most fiercely loyal partner in crime you'll ever have. However, the one downside is that unfortunately my sister is a thief. Funnily enough, these kleptomaniac qualities only materialise when inside my room, or to be more specific, when stood before my wardrobe. Shopping trips are just a veil to shop precariously through me because obviously it'll get just as much wear on her (probably even more so) as it will on me!

Her argument is that I have so many clothes that what does it matter if some disappear every now and again? Needless to say this doesn't wash with me - alas as I write this I see her flouncing passed me in my Boy London vest. I think I'm fighting a losing battle.. 

Oh well! Here's to the next twenty years and hopefully two very separate wardrobes!

My Top 5 Fashionable Sister Troops:

NO. 5/ The Kardashians

Love 'em or loathe them, the fifth spot goes to those infamous Kardashians. Well dressed, family orientated, feisty females and who doesn't love a Kardashian brawl?

NO. 4/ The Jenner Girls

All long legs and not a booty in sight. The younger sibs of the Kardashians are a fashion entity in their own right. Model looks and blue hair in tow, these two are practically the poster girls for Young Hollywood right now.

NO. 3/ The Richards Twosome

Alexandra and Theodora Richards, the daughters of rock legend Keith Richards, blonde and dishevelled, utterly sexy and clothes to die for. Sigh... 

NO. 2/ Beyonce and Solange 

A controversial choice maybe, considering the very public explosion that has rocked this notoriously private family but the clothes are good. Simple as that. Maybe my words will bring them together… 

NO. 1/ The Corrs

The 90s is having a comeback - like you didn't know - so who better to take the top spot than the Irish darlings 'The Corrs'? My father's Irish, making them the soundtrack to many a road trip. Not many nine year olds can boast knowing the entire lyrics to all five albums, what can I say, I guess I'm blessed. While I might be a bit rusty now, I have a newfound appreciation for their strappy camisoles, sheer blouses, leather trousers and matching outfits. Here's to Andrea, Sharon and Caroline (Sorry Jim, it's all about the girls right now). 

(The Corrs showing that a well-dressed family can go a long way.)

My sister is back at university for the next few days to finish off her exams. Her wardrobe is left unguarded. You can see where I'm going with this one…

Sister, if you're reading this, all is fair in the sib fashion war. Ciao, I'm off to reclaim my long lost possessions!

(None of the above photos are my own and I do not take any credit for them)

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