Tuesday 2 December 2014


Some people think that watching TV does nothing but vegetate the mind. I however, am always amazed at my brain's ability to go into overdrive when stimulated by, what is essentially, naff TV - in this case the naff-est of them all: 'reality' TV. 

Call it my dirty little secret, my vice, my one indulgence or perhaps more aptly, a habit. Whatever you call it, I realise that I am in the minority of my social circle in that I still continue to watch Made In Chelsea. My compadre's gave up following this staged insight into the exclusive area code, but I recently rekindled my affinity for the posh-set and the Big Brother-like style of following their privileged lifestyles. 

Sometimes when I'm watching (alone) I really wish I had someone to compare notes with, so in lieu of this I thought I'd share my commentary with you all. Here's the 20 things I think about whilst watching MIC.

1 - Good job on the product placement disclaimer - like we need a reminder that it's all staged. 

2 - I wonder if Jamie rehearses his one liners? Yeah he definitely does. In front of the mirror.

3 - Could it just be a coincidence that the *well placed* hole in Andy's top is directly in the camera's view? An attempt to show that moths don't discriminate? 

4 - How big is Chelsea? It must be small considering the amount of accidental bumping's into one another - not to mention their inability to date outside of their friendship group.

5 - Is Alik sweet or annoying? 

6 - OMG defo annoying.

7 - Why would Louise turn up to a hair appointment with her hair looking suspiciously done

8 - Two Watsons: they're like the Chuckle Brothers crossed with the badass twin WWE Divas, Nikki & Brie (another reality show that I'm kinda obsessed with casually into).

9 - Wow forgot about Fran. 

10 - Her re-emergence does give me comfort that once off the show they are still in fact alive though.
11 - How come the guys have more voluminous hair than the girls?

12 - I can't stop looking at Louise's eyebrows…

13 - Apparently a peeled banana charm is the new wishbone in necklace decoration.

14 - Surely Mark's one liners are scripted? He's like a pun genius.

15 - How does Lucy know so much? Reckon she'd know the lottery numbers? Do wealthy folk do the lottery?!

16 - Stephanie Pratt has come a long way since the days of 'The Hills'. Wonder if she 'FML' every time she has to introduce herself. 

17 - Since when did guys become so open with their feelings?

18 - Ah the power of a bromance.

19 - 'One Chance Watson' should definitely be made into a slogan tee.

20 - I'm definitely not watching next week's episode… *said as I set the programmer to record*

If you're now totally enthralled by my ramblings and cannot wait to see firsthand what I'm actually referencing, you can catch up on 4od here. Go on. I won't judge.
(Images via: tumblr, wherediditallgorightblog.wordpress.com & isthiswhyimstillsingle.wordpress.com)

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