Monday 31 July 2017


You'd be forgiven for thinking that everyone is walking around in rose tinted glasses recently. Everything features a rosy hue, pink becoming a relative neutral for today's millennial set. Pink is as prolific as fake tan is on TOWIE. But please don't mistake this as a roast. It's not. It's an exploration of colours new, a horizon that goes beyond the flush of pink and ventures into a haze of purple.
I'm thinking, lets give pink the boot

Maybe it's the weather - the UK was lucky enough to see the sun for three whole consecutive days last week and we moaned for exactly that same amount of time. Yet that flirtation with Summer was enough to get me hooked on all things purple. 

Much like my dalliance with yellow, I wasn't immediately taken with purple. I couldn't think of three ways to style it - which is my rule to live by. I moved on and went about my life. Although I didn't really. Before I knew it, every rail of clothes I stood before, I found myself drawn to any and everything purple. I'd walk away knowing that it was wrong, a partnership that would never work in the long haul. However, I started thinking. Maybe we could work together. 

I sat, deep in thought and had a long chat with myself, 'could I make purple work for me?' The answer after much soul searching was 'Yes!' 

I started small with a basic crew neck lilac t-shirt. I then thought hard for the second time that day... How exactly would I style this proclamation of rebellion? I was standing alone amongst a sea of blush coloured millennials. My deliberate detachment had to make an impression, or I'd risk looking like I didn't get the memo of the 2017 dress code of life, or that my colours had run in the wash.

I turned to the internet and got lost in the black hole of possibility. Here's what I found:

Yes, it is technically Summer, but UK weather. Tiffany Hsu makes a good case for wearing a blanket as an overcoat and an efficient street sweep. Side note: purple & orange = thumbs up.

What better way to be inducted into purple than in a comfy, oversized jumper? I wouldn't quite recommend this exact one - it's Vetements, synonymous with unnecessarily exorbitantly priced goods  *see the DHL t-shirts*. But the mix of high/low is truly inspired. I need a purple jumper like, yesterday & a beaded shrug the day before. 

Take a low maintenance basic, e.g the tracksuit pant. Add in a vibrant hue to prevent boredom from setting in. Pair with one minimalistic pair'a pointed toe boots, an unassuming hoodie that may or may not have originated in the mens department, et voila!

I feel like this outfit exemplifies the sporadicity of life/the weather right now. There's something refreshing in bearing your navel, yet hiding your arms/hands in what appears to be a disfiguring purple marshmallow. I laaaav eeet. The florals, the blue pop, the texture. Yes.

Do you feel inspired yet?? 

'Why can't you wear pink and purple' I hear you ask. Well, if you're a fence-sitter then I guess you can. But lets be dramatic and pick a side. It's the biggest thing since Team Edward vs Team Jacob; since smooth peanut butter vs crunchy peanut butter; since The World vs Liv (Love Island)! It's your right to have an opinion, so use it - as long as it's in line with mine. JK :D 

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