Thursday 30 November 2017


What you need to know, now.
Whilst perusing the internet I fell upon some interesting things and not being myself a selfish person, I decided to share. So read below  for my round-up of all things to equip you for future pub quizzes, disarming know-it-alls and preventing potential awkward silences. 

So first up, word of the week.
I know that I recently conceded to the fact that I am now the latter half of my twenties and therefore an adjustment of sorts would be needed. However, nothing makes me feel more disassociated from my youth, than not understanding the lingo. Case in point; 'cuffing season'. What is this phenomena, I asked myself. And myself not having the answer, I turned to Vogue - of course, where else? Read here for enlightenment.

Baby it's cold outside. Here's the science behind it.
I am that person perpetually shivering. My office chair is disguised  by many a jumper, coat, scarf, in the very likely event that I will need to add another layer or five. I have been tagged countless times in the below meme. You get it, I'm cold. Read up on the why here.

Old wives tale or fact to live by?
There are some beauty tips that I try to live by: Imperatively remove all remnants of makeup before bed, drink plenty of water daily, be gentle on the delicate skin around the eyes, no pimple popping and minimal heat on hair. The list is an exhaustive one. Generally I abide by these rules. However, air drying hair whilst living in the gloom of the UK is not always possible or practical, and my grandmother always warned me of the potential for colds when walking around with sopping wet hair. My grandmother also used to say that she was always right. After reading here, I now know this to be true. 

The couple that travels together, stays together?
Few things test a relationship more than travelling. The excitement and wonder dissipate in the face of jet lag, language barriers become a point of contention and misdirections are the cause of many a disagreement. To combat this potentially hazardous occurrence, see this handy dandy survival guide; 'tis the season for 'cuffing' (see above) after all.    

Cataloguing the year's fashions
The end of the year is nigh, cue lots of self-reflection and endless lists summarising the years happenings from the cultural to the political. My favourite sort of list however, is one that expounds upon the fashion proclivities of the year, detailing exactly what the world wanted to wear in 2017, measuring the peaks and troughs of trends with figures and percentages. It's an interesting read to chart the affect celebrities, social media, films, social movements and uh, unicorns (?!) had on fashion, read here. 

(Photos via:,, & pinterest)

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