Monday 31 December 2018


The years end is imminent and with the curtain call looming, comes 365 days worth of reflection. In perhaps one of my most obvious understatements of the year, a lot has happened. 
2018 has been the year Magic Mike was realised on stage, Nikki Minaj received a shoe to the head, Spice Girls reclaimed their girl power (minus Posh *sob*), Harry met (and married) Meghan Markle, Holly Willoughby became the new Ant, Brexit became a thing *sort of*, Brangelina was no more and Stacey Dooley won Strictly Come Dancing. 

And not to seem crass or glib, it's important to note that this year has also been one of loss, tragedy, political upheaval and a sense of the true gravitas of the unknown. But in response, this year has also been one that has inspired a renewed sense of solidarity, a space for discussions to be had and most importantly to be learned from, enacted upon and used to encourage us all to be better and do better. 
We might not know if/how Brexit will play out, or whether Posh will make a surprise reunion, but I can tell you the ending to an as yet unmade movie, the colour of the season to come and how to handle that hangover you're most probably, definitely, undoubtably going to receive this Festive season, so read on...

Three is not the magic number
It's no secret that the proposed third Sex and the City movie was firmly squashed dead by Kim Cattrall's refusal to rejoin her costars. The who-ha exploded all over the internet, with theories of longtime feuds and allegations of bullying overshadowing excitement at the franchise's third instalment. With one quarter of the foursome out, the prospect of the film is no more. However, as I started to wonder what could have been, Vogue revealed the Big news.

Green with envy Fashion
2017 was the year of pink, specifically of the millennium shade. The purple of 2018 was moodier, reflexive of the tumultuous socioeconomic/ socio-polictal climate of now. And it would seem that 2019 is the year of green - renewal, growth and harmony; speaking of what is to hopefully be a year of betterment.

Fashion Gets a Giddy-Up
In 2018 the fashionable and the unfashionable became one and the same. Cycling shorts, bumbags, dad shoes, fleeces, matrix sunglasses, the list is ever expanding. The newest addition seemingly being the stirrup trousers. An 80s throwback embraced by the likes of 'Fashion Icon of the Year', Victoria Beckham. Whilst that little nugget of information may or may not inspire adoption of this trend, whatever your preference, the draft reducing possibilities are truly undeniable. Perhaps a Winter must-have after all?

To Snoop, Love Snoop, From Snoop
Snoop Dogg received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but most importantly he made a speech that almost completely overshadowed this accolade. I vow to channel him at any and every public speaking opportunity and relinquish self-deprecation in favour of a pat on the back for work well done. #Stayhumble

AI Does Fashion
Technology as a means of innovative development in the fashion community has long been embraced. From the robotic sprayers at the 1999 Alexander McQueen Spring show, to today's downloadable sewing patterns, body scanners and 3D printers, technology is inextricably linked to fashion and its future. And now the prevalence of technology is seemingly at its apex with its attendance literally being sat front row at fashion week and rather aptly, it's named Sophia...  

When you've got Nothing to Wear, Wear it All
Christmas is a time for excess; eating, drinking, being merry with family, friends and spreading love and good cheer to all. JLo took this seasonal excess literally, wearing the equivalent of ten dresses in one, to the premiere of her film, Second Act. It was a frothy concoction, that required a bus to transport her (& it) and that refused anything than the attention it so deserved. Potential office party inspo... 

Car Crash Television

Carpool karaoke with Cardi B; it was always destined to be a hoot. Made even hootier by the fact that Cardi is driving. Watch on a Monday morning for much hilarity. 

Hangover Season : Hang on in There
Inevitably, this time of year will involve a hangover or two and despite supposedly knowing better, with maturity these hangovers worsen exponentially. Read the who, what, whys and most importantly, the hows, as in how to survive and potentially thrive this hectically festive time of year. 

Enjoy this festive time of year, reflect to grow not to mourn what wasn't, think only of what is to come. Be merry, be healthy and be present.

H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R!!

(Images via :, pinterest,, AnOthermagazine, XXL Mag,

Tuesday 18 December 2018


When age is not but a number, rather a pesky reminder of inevitable and irrevocable change.

Turning 27 did something to me this year. 
It is a number that has hit me harder than any other before it. And has become one that I mumble as opposed to coherently enunciate. I'm not sure if subconsciously I set this up as a milestone of sorts. A barometre to measure my life against thus far. An unknown finish line, an unspoken deadline, a to-do list that never got done and by default, a number that has unwittingly become a reminder of my incompletes, do-tomorrows and flat out failings. 

Questions of marriage and children (as inevitably follows) are becoming evermore frequent, and my evasive retorts of being but a mere babe myself are becoming less cute and the annoyance harder to mask in my laboured responses. Being asked for ID is a relative non-occurrence. Those anxious teenage years at the dread of being asked to prove my age, are rewritten by my present attempts to disprove my age. Times of being interrogated whilst trying to purchase matchsticks, glue and spray paint (not at the same time) are mere anecdotes of a past life. Little memories that I pull out at parties as conversation fillers of days gone by.

I keep meaning to buy anti-ageing creams/potions of year-rewinding capabilities, but I feel that a sign of defeat, an admittance that I am in fact old-er. I do realise that I was and have been ageing long before I hit 27. I aged to reach 27, but this is the year that I noticed it.
The long commutes to work over this past year have led me to this. Self-reflection is a positive and necessary means of self-growth and betterment, but that doesn't mean the gravity of such personal realisations, doesn't knock the wind out of you all the same. My ageing only truly hit me when on one particularly long journey, my mind turned to what I perhaps wouldn't be able to wear much longer. Miniskirts for one, (though contentious, as I know many women who wear skirts regardless of age) but I'm talking about those arse-skimming, completely impractical skirts, that speak of reckless, late nights of giggling, hangover-free youth.

Hoodies too, I feel perhaps might also have an imminent use-by-date.  Many a teenage angsty moment was non-verbally communicated through the hood pulled low about my eyes. The rebellion of inverting the practical use of such an item as a visual signifier of my mood, was both a handy warning to my parents and immensely cool. I know that there will be many more items that I have unknowingly neglected from this list and probably won't realise them as artefacts of a previous me, until I so decide to *try* to wear them. 
Life right now consists of my evolving fashion proclivities as I try to redefine myself as a twenty-something, intent on refining an inherent eclecticism. Retaining the essence of self, but with more polish. Currently I do not wear miniskirts very often, if ever. This is for no reason other than I like the freedom of trousers. Perhaps miniskirts will come into my sphere of interest again, then again perhaps they won't. And it is this that I need to remind myself of. I am not and do not need to mourn something that never was. 

Age may actually not be the reason that certain items have dropped from my interest. It's merely personal preference. The looming deadline that I have self-imposed is a fiction that I have constructed. The miniskirt is innocent. Yet, I have capitulated it as a representation of youth and in me not wearing it any longer, it has become a rejection of youth and an admittance of age. 

The hoodie is also exemplary of this. It resonates of college days gone by, a fond time of happiness and personal freedom. The lack of uniform meant for an abundance of self-expression, of which I was congratulated upon, with countless questions of: "where did you get that?". In being myself I gained approval, the very thing that teenagers (& adults) crave. Thus these items have become symbolic of happiness during a time that I happened to be young-er.
This is not intended to be a morose tale of loss. It is more a stream of consciousness. I'm not even sure age appropriateness is even really a thing, more-so a mental construct. It is a reminder that just as there is a beginning, there is an end. What was once taken for granted, easily becomes what is most longed for. What is normal is ever-changing, time passes, tastes change and people grow. But it is in these nuances of life, in the mundane, that things get missed without even realising it.

All seemed to be affirmed in my mind when Kendall Jenner wore a lookalike version of Paris Hilton's 'vintage' 21st birthday dress. I was now part of an era passed, having experienced the peak Hilton years during my youth. It was now just a throwback. A sense of nostalgia overwhelmed, as I wish I'd appreciated the time before age was even a consideration. And then last week Paris Hilton, as a now 37 year old woman, re-wore her 2000's infamous, sex-on-a-stick dress and my fears of age appropriateness dissipated, because whatever the age, she proved, that's hot.

(Photos via : & pinterest) 

Wednesday 21 November 2018


Colder climes mean an abundance of clothing - layers, layers, layers.
Marshmallow dressing is the only means of staving off the chill. And  as such, silhouette is secondary as the Michelin Man is the unlikely icon of the season. Chunky knit jumpers, blanket-like scarves, voluminous coats - layers are thick and bulky, with even shoes featuring chunky soles.

Weather so cold warrants fashion that is fit for function and this season *some* collections had the allure of practicality as opposed to purely fantastical renditions of escapism. Perhaps nothing befits the baltic conditions more aptly than the Balenciaga 2018 Ready-to-Wear collection, which saw items outrageous enough to garner attention, but ground in the mundane practicality of the everyday.
None such item epitomised this sentiment more so than the severn layer jacket/flannel shirt/parker coat hybrid, that had the fashion set and pop culture abuzz. Various memes followed and countless Joey Tribbiani comparisons circulated the internet. However, despite the obvious functionality vice purely aesthetic appeal, it is a somewhat playfully farcical take on practicality. 

Though this multi-layered coat hybrid is a tad overbearing for a dash around the shops (not to mention the hefty price tag), the mantra of the season is definitely more-is-more. The key is to layer until one can almost no longer bend arm at elbow. Though this may impinge on everyday tasks, appendages will remain intact, which in these minus conditions is nothing to eye roll at. 

Limited mobility aside, attempting to maintain that there is in fact a body under the mounds of fabric, is something of a feat. With the majority hidden in bulk, it is important to highlight a narrowness where possible, for example a cuff at the ankle. A slither of skin acts as a visual counterpoint to anchor the abundance of layers, whilst not exposing too much and compromising on cosiness.
Bundle up on top and offset with a straight legged trouser to streamline an otherwise spherical silhouette. To alleviate the stuffiness of significant layering, a cuff at the ankle is a literal and visual point of relief. Whether cuffed messily, or  in a smart, tailored fashion, or a deep statement cuff; each variation adds a stylistic finish, that though a seemingly innocuous adjustment, reshapes the voluminous bulk of layering. And if the thought of an exposed ankle is shudder inducing, add fancy socks and make a feature out of your cuffs. To further lengthen and draw out a somewhat bundle-like figure, a pointed toe shoe or boot elongates, inviting the eye downward to a slender fixed point. 
Though the weather sometimes leaves little option but to resemble Mr Blobby's cousin, it is in the duality of exposure and concealment that a flattering outfit can be formed. In the balance between practicality and aesthetic, comfort and appearance, necessity and vanity, lies the formula for flattering Winter dressing. Coco Chanel advised that one remove an item before leaving the house. However, in colder climes, one should add another layer and an extra turn up to ones cuffs - mulled wine and indoor heating are also highly recommended.  

(Photos via :,,, instyle)  

Wednesday 31 October 2018


The transitional season is tough. Summer slowly fades away as winter snaps its frosty fingers. Daily dressing becomes more challenging than Takeshi's castle. Shivering in the morning and peeling clothes off come mid-day faster than you can snap, 'of-f**king-course' when Netflix judgmentally asks if 'you're still watching?'. To distract from these temperamental times, read below for your list of interesting things that don't involve Matryoshka doll-like layering or in fact braving the outdoors in anyway.
How to live better
Not knowing what to wear isn't the only dilemma. With cold snaps and intermittent sun bursts, comes flu-season and vitamin-poppin' aplenty. And nothing demands a vow of healthy living, clean eating and a commitment to exercise three twice a week, than the first sniffle of a cold. Though made in good faith, enthusiasm falters by the time the last Kleenex has been used and thus all promises are forgotten. However, all is not lost, read this for tips on surviving and thriving in life... 

A little more Clueless
The nights are drawing in, the temperature is baltic and cups of tea plural are necessary to thaw you out. Dire, if you plan on leaving the house ever. Perfect, if hibernating is your intended pastime this winter. And nothing adds to this atmosphere of cosy contentment than a good ol' film, or perhaps a remake of a good ol' film. With the shiniest of hair and a penchant for calling out the ensemble-y challenged, Clueless created a fashion moment and continues to spurn a fashion movement. Inspiring Halloween costumes, fashion collections and countless memes. With news of a remake in the works, I'm committed to sourcing a Dr Seuss-esque hat and stocking up on plaid everything, yellow preferably of course.

Which witch is it anyway?
Nostalgia must be the trend of the season as the contagion for reboots continues. Another blonde stalwart of the 90's is revisited this fall; Sabrina. Yes the teenage witch, this time however, restyled in a darker vein, with gore, a looming pact with the devil and a non-talking Salem the cat, not to mention a new name: The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Being loyal to the original, it's difficult to remain unbiased and watch without comparison, - this is my childhood after all. However, the shift from old to new was tempered greatly by this. Definitely worth a watch, even if only to quell the curiosity. 

To shave or not to shave : your choice
I pride myself on publishing hard hitting stories that revolve around current affairs (namely in the fashion sphere), but this is one that truly is breaking news... women have hair other than that on their heads. Though truly shocking, I implore you to read this and this. Sarcasm aside, destabilising gendered norms (i.e a woman or man should look/act/do a certain thing/way based solely on stereotypical troupes of what it is to be a man/woman) is something to be encouraged and fully endorsed.

Time to dress down
Halloween is nigh on upon us and with that the onslaught of costumes tormenting social media feeds. For those of us willing to spend three hours recreating a twenty-minute make-up tutorial, including prosthetics, contact lenses and enough glitter to warrant numerous hosings down, yet refuses to compromise on footwear comfort, this one is for you. 

The ugliest time of year
And despite just unloosing Halloween gifts of comfort upon you, the toll of Christmas rings and with it, the clang of ugly Christmas jumper season. With plenty of time yet to invest in one, or if for you Christmas jumper day is in fact the whole of December, stock up on more. Whatever your Christmas jumper proficiency, read this for tips on how to outfit the ugliness.

(Images via :,,,, & whereto

Sunday 21 October 2018


Inspiration; an influence that affects ones person, opinion or actions. 
To inspire and to be inspired fills one with a vigour to incite a change of sorts, whether that be of opinion, of action, of appearance, of tastes... It's an inward manifestation of an outward influence. There are TED talks, podcasts, interactive classes, social media, TV, people watching. The assault on one's senses are boundless, some consciously so, some subconsciously, some to one's betterment, some detrimental. 

Undeniably inspiration is a healthy means of self growth. To endeavour to be openminded is most commendable, though it is tricky to filter the good from the bad, inspiration being indiscriminate. The pressure to internalise these outside stimulators is burdensome and can result in feelings of needing to 'fit in'. What begins as inspiration can easily metamorphose into comparison and intensify as feelings of envy, mediocracy, and inferiority. 

The reality of this was realised for me during a recent trip to London. What began as exciting; things to do, things to see, people bustling, clothes, colours, textures, smells, sounds; rapidly unravelled. My awareness of self was acute, my one too many jumpers exposing my newbie status on the stifling underground, my feet aching in my chelsea boots as trainer clad feet mocked me. 
Discomfort mounted as my outfit felt comparatively try-hard. What began as admiration for those around me, soured to envy and what I envisaged as classic read as boring IRL. Red boots lifted an otherwise basic B!*%$ ensemble, but just barely as the loose fit jeans and blazer were practical, but not practical enough to warrant such a bland ensemble. I was mediocracy incarnate, an outfit that was not a reflection of myself. 

In trying to plan out a version of my 'London' self, I forfeited my actual self, intensifying my discomfort in an unfamiliar place.  When a situation arose that warranted a particular outfit, creativity was extinguished as an impulse to look a certain way stifled any aspiration of personal style. 

Despite being saturated in inspiration, I rather ironically felt a suffocation of sorts. The resultant rendition of myself was barely a whisper of the usual roar of personal style. And on reflection my chosen 'London me' outfit (bandana print neck scarf, a silky cream camisole, vintage jeans, grey checked blazer, red boots and pale pink mini crossover bag) was pretty great. It was an outfit that albeit erred on cautious, though was chic in its simplicity. It was an outfit that I would happily re-wear. And it was an outfit that I now see was not the problem. Rather it was a lack of conviction in self in the face of overwhelming inspiration.    

Yet how does one prevent this self imposed silencing?
Favourite items, aspects of inspirational imagery and a conviction in ones' stylistic proclivities, ground inspiration in a you-ness that prevents feelings of compromise. Utilising one's preexisting wardrobe, incorporating ideas/images/opinions and remaining true to the basic principles of ones' style, results in an authentic version of self that is continually growing and prospering organically, vice altering oneself in a misguided attempt to appease self doubt. 

Imitation should not be mistaken for inspiration. Be open to the new and gravitate to what you like, not what you think you ought to like - now that is truly inspiring. 

(Photos via :, &

Sunday 2 September 2018


In a move that can only be described as contrary, my interest in sheer clothing has piqued, as the weather has taken a swift nosedive for the worst. 

Since my return from Barcelona, I have yet to reacclimatise to the cooler weather. Seemingly my week overheating has not only affected my core body temperature, but my fashion proclivities too. This may in part be considered living in denial, but raging against the wind gusts in a defiant move of exposure has been decidedly liberating.

Sheer clothing allows one to rile against the expected, whilst abiding by the social norm of actually getting dressed. One is enabled to live within typical codes of dress and subvert those very norms by the intrinsic ability of sheer clothing to reveal and conceal, exposing the body whilst remaining fully clothed.

The excitement of transparent clothing aside, consideration of apropos should be thought upon beforehand. Job interviews, Church, meeting the parents, the grocery run, are maybe not the scenarios for toe-dipping and all run the very real risk of being met with shock, disdain and some awkward wandering eyes.
At entry level, nighttime affords one dim lighting and a sea of flesh on show in a variety of good tastes, cushioning the first bambi steps into sheer clothing. Amongst the backless, strapless, mini dressed peers, sheer clothing feels decidedly less risqué, as skin is hinted at rather than flaunted, a coy peek rather than a brazen glare. 

And when the sun comes up sheer clothing can be made wearable when paired with decidedly less-sexy separates, such as high waisted, loose fit jeans; a sports bra; a blazer; white sneakers etc. The foundation is one of nonchalance, items of the everyday and thus act to subdue any overt sexiness that one may wish to obscure.

The opacity of sheer clothing acts as a means of maintaining the aesthetic of layering during the warmer months, without the suffocation of mounds of fabric. Summertime dressing becomes a little reductive, as fashion is forsaken in an effort to cool down. With layers of transparency, temperatures remain low, yet silhouettes remain visually interesting. The winter can also benefit from sheer clothing, as light fabrics offset thick knitwear - a delicate respite from the bulk of jumpers, cardigans and coats. 
With the prospect of year-round sheer dressing, layering becomes innumerable and infinitely more exciting. Peek-a-boo layers of tulle, lace and chiffon, add a delicacy of substance to an outfit without any hindrance of try-hard overbearing. 

The interest lying in-between the wisps of fabric, acting to softly blur the edges as a somewhat tangible echo of personal style, a transparency of expression. The playful peek of a bra through a sheer t-shirt, a pair of jean-clad legs poking through a sheer skirt, a turtle neck topped with a sheer ruffled blouse. The looks may all be different, but the theme is the same; sheer fun.

(Images via : Getty images, thefashionspot, &

Monday 13 August 2018


Dressing in hot weather is difficult.

Dressing in a heatwave is impossible. 
Body temperatures soaring and style stifled. How to translate any fashion prowess when ideally all clothing should be abandoned at the first haze of a heatwave? Everything feels tight, restrictive, a suffocation of expression. This being my recent reality during a city break in the beautiful, though swelteringly oppressive, Barcelona.

Perspiration everywhere, elbows included. Heatwave induced headiness. Underwear too much. Those around, clearly more astute to the wonts of dressing for extreme conditions, donned sports bras (breathable and adept at wicking away sweat) and wisp thin lingerie (the delicacy being barely-there about the skin). 
Spaghetti strapped tops, low backed, cowl necked camisoles. Skin exposure at an optimum - being chic as opposed to gauche - glistening skin an inevitability of soaring temperatures. Loose fit palazzo pants, skimming the body with fluidity - figure flattering being nonsensical under the scrutiny of the sun's rays. Sandals being the obvious pairing to a heatwave, however, being dwarfed by high-rise buildings and in amongst the city's hustle and bustle, trainers are the run-around shoe of choice. Comfort trumping ventilation. 

Exposed legs beating the pavement in a flurry of shorts, from denim to slinky silk. Floaty, ethereal dresses, skirting about the ankles, wrap-over in style, featuring heavily amongst the hubbub of city life. The fabrics light, airy and patterned, maxi dresses of summer proportions to combat the oppressive heat. Accessories redundant; wrists and fingers bare to avoid necessitating surgical removal. The only accoutrement bearable under scrupulous heat being that of a handbag the likes of which Polly Pocket in size. The crowds of Barcelona encouraging thievery, resulting in an influx of combative teeny tiny bags hung about the body, pickpocket proof and sublimely chic.
The lesson endeth with a new appreciation for the pared-back. It would seem that less is most definitely less. Though layering affords more material real-estate for expression, in extreme heat, the visual verbalisation of style is forfeited for the right to not overheat. Though practicality typically snuffs out ones' ability to freely display personal style, in the instance of intense heat, looking stylish is typified by remaining perspiration-free, as opposed to peacocking in current trends and fashion prowess. Tactful exposure is the literal means of dressing cool in amidst the heatwave tizz and with a good dousing of sunblock, I can't think of anything better - or breezier. 

(Photos via : Pinterest)

Sunday 29 July 2018


The denim skirt - how unoriginal, right?
I'm not writing about ground breaking trends here, 2018 has given us enough of those already. But we're currently experiencing actual hot weather in the UK and with that, the revelation of legs are upon us.

There is something about bare legs that I find distinctly risqué. I am a trouser aficionado, feeling more comfortable with my stems firmly clothed, not having to worry about positioning all limbs just-so, bracing myself for an unsuspecting gust of wind and at all costs trying to avoid a knickers flash. However, recently I started experimenting with mid length skirts as an introductory foray, a toe dip if you will, into pins-out season. The breeze about my ankles was pleasant and much welcomed in this oppressive heat and soon enough I was tempting hemlines ever shorter, shins and calfs were exposed, knees peaked out and thighs were grazed, which led to the rediscovery of the denim skirt.

The denim skirt has an insouciance similar to that of a Breton top or a brogue. However, I have always fallen short of imbuing this basic with the essence of myself that I feel necessary to do with all of my outfits. Without this 'myselfness', I rather, unsurprisingly, don't feel like myself, which affects my confidence and thus my day-to-day interactions with society. Not to be defeated and coupled with this oppressive heat wave, I decided to push through this self-imposed boundary and actually attempt a denim mini skirt. I can't say that I have made peace with tailored renditions of denim, the noughties flashbacks being all too vivid. However, I have come to the internal compromise of a loose fit, raw hemmed denim skirt, something casual and imbued with nonchalance.

Yet, once this had been decided, I was struck by another obstacle; the illusive partner to the denim skirt. I had always considered the denim mini too basic, like UGGs or bootleg jeans. A fashion faux pas that spoke of stunted style and asphyxiation of inspiration, in short, visual boredom. However, this got me to thinking; what separates the denim mini from a pair of denim jeans? Them being just as basic, if not more so, considered the Everyman staple, appropriate for most occasions and befitting any and all weathers. Once this comparison had been made, an adjustment of mindset ensued. The very blandness that had before spoken only of vanilla, now became a visual signifier of potential. Anything goes: blouses, t-shirts, jumpers, a bikini, dressed up or down, to the beach, to the bar, to lounge in, to adventure in, smartened up, casual-ed down. Little thought enabled an outfit; a lazy girl's 'how-to' in easy dressing without the basic b***h connotations. 
The blank canvas of the denim mini skirt became a palette cleanser of sorts, enabling personal expression to abound. The difference laying in the nuances that separate bland and blank, as in the denim mini skirt being a blank space to project the many facets of personal style and the many renditions of expression it affords one. 

(Photos via : whowhatwear, songofstyle &

Monday 23 July 2018


Occasion wear is a tricky beast to yield, one made all the more problematic by our refusal to pre-plan for plans not already made.
Far too often I have found myself struck by an item, one which ensnares my attention, one which sends my imagination rampant with excitement, one which with a wont so desperate I almost commit to a life together. That is until I regain my composure as a functioning adult and talk myself down: 'I don't need this, I don't need this...'

Yet there are also those times when an occasion arises that warrants  a dedicated outfit and it is this occasion specific wear that encourages much excitement, until said outfit alludes and then much panic ensues, culminating in foot stamping, resentment and a last minute borrowed dress that is fine but not quite right. 

The issue here being the specificity of these occasions and lack of 'what if' clothing that being an adult affords one. Unless you need it, one withstands the impulse to buy it. But what if at the time said item was first seen, it wasn't actually needed, and now an occasion has arisen that befits that very same item perfectly, but alas, it's no longer available? Welcome to my continued dilemma. 
There have been countless garments overlooked, my imagination being curbed by my affliction of sensible thinking. Ballgowns are left forlorn, perfectly good wetsuits remain unconsidered as I struggle to think responsibly, rationalising that I have yet to book said surf lesson or intend to do so in the near future... However, should the opportunity afford me, I would find myself utterly unprepared. And this got me to thinking, is staying on topic suffocating the possibility of potential? 

The pertinence of this question rang true when I was invited to my best friend's wedding. I had nothing to wear. And though countless dresses abounded and numerous articles littered the internet with 'How to's for wedding wear' and 'do's and don'ts' of wedding etiquette, nothing aided my quest nor inspired my imagination for a wedding guest outfit. To add further to my dilemma, I was invited to the ceremony during the day, meaning that I could not rely on the dimly lit ambience afforded the evening guests. Instead I would be photographed in the all too honest glare of daylight. This outfit would be seen; I needed something worth seeing. 

The dresses about the highstreet all geared toward desperate wedding goers were not typical of my aesthetic and the pastel suit I had envisaged was overlooked in the ignorance of 'having time' and not needing it 'right now'. But of course as time ran down, so did my options. An ASOS order in desperation was placed, and a mad dash to the Zara sale one lunchtime took place. There was much stress and now there is much for me to return.
In spite of this, I did in fact go fully clothed to the wedding. Although the thought still plagued me; is it better to buy based on like or on necessity? Perhaps an ounce of forward thinking need be employed here - what is the likelihood of being invited to a wedding, or the probability of a christening? Hazarding a guess, I'd say pretty likely. Yet, I'd also posit that few will already possess an item of clothing for 'just incase'. Rather we choose to be reactionary as opposed to buying what we like when we like it, which would result in a preparedness for those occasions not yet known of. 

Though forethought cannot combat every eventuality, buying items based on like regardless of precisely when they will be worn, drastically increases the chances that said item will get worn. A wispy, floral, 'Summer incarnate' concoction of a dress, bought at the height of December, may go unworn until the rain ceases around mid-Spring (or Summer if you're from the UK). However, once the clouds break, it'll be worn more times that Paris Hilton says "that's hot!"

The formula for succeeding at occasion specific wear and breaking down dress-codes is to buy what you like, when you like it, as that, versus buying on impulse under the pressure of a looming date, is always more authentically you and that is the only dress code one need worry about.  

(All images : via Vogue)