Sunday 21 October 2018


Inspiration; an influence that affects ones person, opinion or actions. 
To inspire and to be inspired fills one with a vigour to incite a change of sorts, whether that be of opinion, of action, of appearance, of tastes... It's an inward manifestation of an outward influence. There are TED talks, podcasts, interactive classes, social media, TV, people watching. The assault on one's senses are boundless, some consciously so, some subconsciously, some to one's betterment, some detrimental. 

Undeniably inspiration is a healthy means of self growth. To endeavour to be openminded is most commendable, though it is tricky to filter the good from the bad, inspiration being indiscriminate. The pressure to internalise these outside stimulators is burdensome and can result in feelings of needing to 'fit in'. What begins as inspiration can easily metamorphose into comparison and intensify as feelings of envy, mediocracy, and inferiority. 

The reality of this was realised for me during a recent trip to London. What began as exciting; things to do, things to see, people bustling, clothes, colours, textures, smells, sounds; rapidly unravelled. My awareness of self was acute, my one too many jumpers exposing my newbie status on the stifling underground, my feet aching in my chelsea boots as trainer clad feet mocked me. 
Discomfort mounted as my outfit felt comparatively try-hard. What began as admiration for those around me, soured to envy and what I envisaged as classic read as boring IRL. Red boots lifted an otherwise basic B!*%$ ensemble, but just barely as the loose fit jeans and blazer were practical, but not practical enough to warrant such a bland ensemble. I was mediocracy incarnate, an outfit that was not a reflection of myself. 

In trying to plan out a version of my 'London' self, I forfeited my actual self, intensifying my discomfort in an unfamiliar place.  When a situation arose that warranted a particular outfit, creativity was extinguished as an impulse to look a certain way stifled any aspiration of personal style. 

Despite being saturated in inspiration, I rather ironically felt a suffocation of sorts. The resultant rendition of myself was barely a whisper of the usual roar of personal style. And on reflection my chosen 'London me' outfit (bandana print neck scarf, a silky cream camisole, vintage jeans, grey checked blazer, red boots and pale pink mini crossover bag) was pretty great. It was an outfit that albeit erred on cautious, though was chic in its simplicity. It was an outfit that I would happily re-wear. And it was an outfit that I now see was not the problem. Rather it was a lack of conviction in self in the face of overwhelming inspiration.    

Yet how does one prevent this self imposed silencing?
Favourite items, aspects of inspirational imagery and a conviction in ones' stylistic proclivities, ground inspiration in a you-ness that prevents feelings of compromise. Utilising one's preexisting wardrobe, incorporating ideas/images/opinions and remaining true to the basic principles of ones' style, results in an authentic version of self that is continually growing and prospering organically, vice altering oneself in a misguided attempt to appease self doubt. 

Imitation should not be mistaken for inspiration. Be open to the new and gravitate to what you like, not what you think you ought to like - now that is truly inspiring. 

(Photos via :, &

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