Friday 30 May 2014


Now I know they say that looks aren't everything and by golly looks can definitely be deceiving but unless you happen to be randomly blindfolded (perhaps mid-pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey session? Or maybe blacked out shades would be more likely?) The genesis of most first impressions is based solely upon appearance. Although this isn't just limited to their physical appearance, clothing is also a huge factor. 

It doesn't matter how twinkly his eyes are, if his trousers have those little zippers that convert them into shorts, he will face judgement - it's inevitable my friend. However, if when contact is made, you find that miraculously his personality makes up for his obvious lack of fashion-anything (lucky you ey), then put him down as a 'fixer-upper'. We women love that don't we? Consider it as a means of putting your loving little stamp on him (AKA the first stage of placing him directly under your well manicured thumb). Alternatively, if his bad taste in clothing is unfortunately a reflection of his sucky personality, then it's a great reference point for future mocking. 
(Image Via: The Coveteur. A definite mantra to live by.)  

It sounds hugely superficial, and it is, and we are. Whilst I would never advise the basis of a new relationship be founded on something as trivial as someone's sartorial choices; some people do and I hold my hands up, it is hard to reserve all judgement on first inspection. 

Whether intentional or not, what you wear speaks volumes about you. And we're all a bunch of oglers, if we're not staring at someone, we're Facebook stalking them or googling someone else. We just seem to love a good ol' creep. 

Leandra Medine of 'Man Repeller' fame, has said that her blog is founded upon the idea of fashion that she loves but the opposite sex might find pretty offensive. We're talking harem pants, overalls, anything with a shoulder pad; basically a round up of everything that's probably in your wardrobe right this very minute. I like this idea, there isn't an outfit that I've worn that my family hasn't muttered a comment about or rolled their eyes at. But what I find most interesting, was Leandra's comments about finding someone who loved you beyond your choice of clothing, that person who could see beneath the material. It might sound dramatic and it sure gives a bleak outlook on the world, that we could be so superficial as to choose our prospective partners based on what colour top they may have on, or if their socks match, but sadly I think this might be true. 

I've already gone through the stages of accidental ferreting and I must admit that when I first started dating the boyfriend, I toned down my clothing choices, relegating the more 'out there' looks to the forgotten realms of my wardrobe. It was a conscious decision but it would be a disservice to him for me to imply that he would ditch me over a pair of block wedges or sequin trousers - it was purely my own insecurities. I thought if I looked more 'normal' then it would make me more desirable, but reigning it in really exhausted me. Getting dressed took twice as long and second guessing outfits soon got old very quickly. My fashion sense is pretty much the only thing that I have consistent confidence in, so to undo something that comes quite naturally to me was bloody hard work! 

One day I woke up, put on my pink jeans, my most oversized white tee, and my red velvet, strappy wedges just for the hell of it. I felt at home and wouldn't you know, the boyfriend saw me, smiled and just asked who's driving. I was actually flabbergasted, it was definitely a 'I'ma diiick' moment. I vowed from that day onwards that I'd never alter my lewk to fit someone else's ideal. EVER.

The boyfriend and I give regular input on each other's clothing choices and even more often, ignore that very advice. You love the person not the clothes. So he carries on wearing his bug t-shirt and I continue to cringe at the sight of it, but ey, it works for us.    
In conclusion, I'm gonna keep clicking my Dorothy shoes because I don't give a fuuuuuuck, thank you very much. 

And yes my family still give me weird (but I'm assured, loving) looks!

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