Sunday 29 September 2013


Leggings: Comfort trousers? Leisure pants? Gym wear? The ubiquitous jeggings. Available in every colour imaginable, tie-dyed, studded, bejewelled, leather, suede, for young and old, for the models of the world and the crazy cat lady alike. Leggings have become synonymous with the modern woman. It's hard to venture outside and not see someone wearing a pair of leggings. The hybrid of tights and trousers has taken over the wardrobes of most women and become a staple of both fashionista's and the fashion ignorant of society.

However, despite the practicalities of leggings and the ease/ comfort of said item, they are somewhat both overused and thus misused. 

Leggings are not trousers.

(Photo: Huffington Post)

I feel this statement should stand alone to both emphasise and highlight my viewpoint on this matter. In fact it's a point I believe should be repeated, emboldened and underlined thrice. Anything to get this message through to the masses. I do however, realise that there is a time and a place for leggings. My problem is not with leggings in the basic sense - they're useful for lounging around the house or even the gym (I myself prefer the elasticity of leggings whilst working out over a baggy tracksuit). My main point is this - once outside in said leggings your arse is exposed. Yes, even the itsy, bitsy g-string you're wearing is visible. 

As with all 'fashionable' items once they have hit the catwalk, received an influx of demand and therefore proved popular enough to warrant copies, a trend is born. However, leggings are beyond a simple 'trend' they have had somewhat of a boom, transcending from comfort-wear to the profile of everyday uniform. Of course your price range has a lot to account for, namely how much of your derriere is exposed. I highly doubt there is anything see-through about the studded balmain beauties that have bedecked many an editor-in-cheif since their creation. Whereas the Primark pairs that march around town, that cost little more than the newspaper that wraps your chips, offer little to no coverage. These unfortunately are the leggings that plague my existence. 

Though I realise the difficulty in finding the 'perfect' jeans and therefore the relief found in the stretch of leggings, it does not redeem them in my book. Even those blessed with pins to die for cannot avoid the saggy knee situation and the even more pitiful saggy crotch predicament. Instead of celebrating the female body, they merely swathe it in ill-fitting stretch fabric, that poorly covers the female form in a shabbiness akin to laziness rather than chicness. In a world of supposed freedom, where women can do whatever and wear whatever they want, why do women continue to wear these leggings? All that they communicate is a vulgar display of a society oblivious to what these leggings actually convey, and that is a lack of inspiration - a stunted ability to express our individuality.

The shocking entrance of Sandy from Grease in the outfit that signalled her transformation from high school prep to pink lady babe, is configured through her figure hugging satin leggings. Despite this metamorphosis being fuelled by the need to win over a guy (a discussion in itself) the leggings become a symbol of Sandy's transition from girl to woman, the embracement of her sexuality and the end of the film. Nowadays leggings give a considerably different message. Sandy has vanished and in her place is the Everywoman, an army of crotch exposed females, parading arse out around town. Something makes me think that Sandy might have opposed the crudeness of this sartorial staple.

Do I want leggings mass destroyed? No. I enjoy having the comfort of a slouchy pant for those can't-be-arsed days. What I would encourage though is a bit of experimentation. Whether that is a fabulous pair of jeans, a well tailored pair of trousers, a figure flattering skirt, I mean the list could go on. The sartorial offerings out there are numerous and women should not limit themselves to being forever clad in leggings. 

But if you cannot bear to part ways with your beloved leggings, then please could you do me a favour? Invest in a long top, something that goes beyond crotch level. If change is not the answer then coverage will have to do. Sigh...

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