Sunday 13 October 2013


I was unsure whether or not to call this post 'Retail Voodoo' or 'Fashion Voodoo'. In the end I went with neither but perhaps I should explain what voodoo has to do with fashion before I launch any further into my tirade.

My first encounter with fashion and voodoo was in the James Bond film 'Live and Let Die', where in the faraway land of Kananga, James has to fight against the wicked voodoo ruler and save a few helpless females along the way. Despite only being about six years old when I first watched this film, a lot of the story and its context went unnoticed by me, instead I focused on the magic and the costume (I mean what else as a six year old could I take from it? How my mother sat through two and a half hours of my incessant questioning I'll never know...) Voodoo, at that time, was purely magic, scary magic mind you but nonetheless coupled with the pretty girl's clothing (I now realise she was the sacrifice, which gives a slightly morbid tinge to my childhood memories) it was magic. 

As I grew up my belief in magic became evermore fictional, however I remained utterly enchanted by the powers of fashion. And that is almost the end of my story, but just before the theme tune kicks in, the end credits start to roll and the well worn phrase, 'and they lived happily ever after' floats on to the screen, I must tell you something: 

Voodoo in fashion is very real.

No, I have not cracked up. Please read on. My incredibly vague understanding of voodoo goes like this; the loss of autonomy by one due to the power gained by another (I'm keeping this definition very PG, choosing to gloss over any links with devilry). The fashion world works in much the same way. There are a few conjurors out there (aka the designers) who create the trends, which are passed on to the witch doctors (the fashion big-shots) who through the spell of printed media, the allure of advertising and by prying on our inherent greed for the next best thing, leaves us mere mortals powerless to resist.

But it doesn't stop there. 

When the clothing has been cast into the melting pot and been filtered down on to the high-street,  more witchery is cast. You may think that you've just picked up and created a completely individual ensemble but I'm afraid you'd be wrong. 

Every item of clothing, from where it is positioned in store, to what it is placed next to, above, below, diagonal to, opposite, the colour scheme, the ease at which one item can be accessorised with another... It has all been meticulously planned and actioned, probably without you even knowing. Now tell me there isn't some kind of mind control there! I'll explain further using the store I work at as an example.

Generally men don't like shopping, but what they do like to do is eat or at least get a coffee to escape their partners need to shop. With this in mind, hey presto! the menswear department is right next to the restaurant. If he should therefore wish, the gentleman can browse at his convenience (or so he is led to believe). 

Heres another example. The toilets are housed at the furthest point of the store on the second floor, meaning you have no choice but to take in all that the store has to offer. And I've already mentioned the psychology behind the layout of all the clothing that acts to guide customers to purchase ready made outfit ensembles. 

Now before you think the only way out of this trance is to walk around with your eyes closed, intentionally clash clothes from opposite sides of the store (hey it could work) or chaotically grab at random (that level of defiance will show 'em ey). Stop. Breath and enter a pact with me now. 

Repeat after me: I solemnly vow to remain acutely aware of the fashion voodoo at work here, and with that in mind I will see fashion magazines, trend reports and store layouts as helpful but not essential to my life as a fashionably aware individual. I therefore swear to purchase items that I love, regardless of trends or what stores would lead me to believe. 

Now welcome to the world of fashion freedom.

Everyone needs a little help now and again, but just make sure to not let it squash your individuality. Invert the voodoo and make the trends work for you.

Power to you people. 

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