Monday 12 August 2013


I'm not sure if it's the abnormal heat we're currently having or the fact that summertime shopping is nigh but impossible due to the influx of cosy jumpers and body swomping scarves; but I find myself looking forward to, no craving, autumn.

I am the British stereotype. I moan when it's too cold and I moan even more when it's too warm. A lot of this is due in fact to my pale skin which I like to coat in a thin (honestly I'm not aiming for 'Towie' colouring, just a little less casper) layer of fake tan. This, however, does not mix well with the heat and often I am left streaked - I have ruined more then one perfectly slouched white top from this melting. I hope as I get older that I will in fact come to embrace my pale skin but for the moment the longing for a summer glow rings incessantly in my ears.

However, I do digress. I am aware that I seem to have made up some sort of fantastical idea of Autumn. In my mind the leaves are strewn multicoloured over pavements and along walkways, there's a chill in the air but bare legs and thick socks are more than enough to combat that and no matter how many layers you wear you're never too hot. But as we all know this is not the case. Summer and Winter tend to blend seamlessly into one, with a blur of warm nights heading straight into bitter cold mornings. In reality even I scoff at anyone who dares to wear bare legs for anymore than a few days in summer and to those few who do I take my wooly hat off to you. The risk of potential pneumonia is enough to deter me. And the one thing that annoys me the most about British Autumn is the very delicate balance that one has to assume when layering. Your arsenal against the elements is the one you concoct via your wardrobe, and what might seem the perfect arrangement of fabrics chicly shielding your body when outdoors becomes a woollen entrapment once in the rhythm of a brisk walk or upon entering a heated shop/cafe. The well executed outfit is thus left a tumbling mess of trailing scarf, squiff hat and haphazard jumpers hanging off any bodily extremities to hand.

Although it may seem that I have managed to talk myself out of my love of Autumn, I now come to see it as a sartorial challenge that I look forward to defying. My weapons of choice are an array of delicate jumpers, loosely draped t-shirts and scarves that have the potential to cocoon my entire body. I'm thinking light layers and huge bags that will hold any surplus layers (and a flask of tea!) And although this may not seem ground breaking, traversing the line between layered perfection and looking like a woollen lump is not an easy feat. So enjoy the barely there bra tops and the skimpy skirts and dresses while you can as this year I'm wishing for a shiver inducing winter!

 (I do not claim credit for any of the above photos unless stated) 

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