Friday 4 April 2014


I'm about to spout out what is probably the most well worn cliche that has yet to plague womankind and has done so since the concept of clothing became a mandatory expectation  in civilised society. It's a constant paradox that we women tend to live in - to have so much yet so little. Yes I'm about to blurt out that well worn phrase, that in just six little words completely undermines a woman's grasp on reality and, if that wasn't enough, destabilises her credibility as a legitimate fashion maven.    

It brings us to the brink of despair and causes much eye rolling from those around us.

Despite all of this, I have to confess: 


(Cara Delevigne gives a masterclass in the phases of this breakdown) 

Yes, I do realise that the seams of my wardrobe are bulging so much that it could be mistaken for the house of the Michelin Man and now you mention it, yes I am sat atop a pile of jumpers that could very easily be mistaken for Mount Everest, but really that's not the point. 

I remain stedfast in my earlier proclamation. 

Cue pitiful pretend sob, arms flailing and the dramatic, "why does this always happen to me?!!"

Roll forward 24 hours and you'll find a much calmer me. And writing from this new perspective I feel like I can come at this highly charged subject from a new, more logical angle and it's pretty much all due to Leandra Medine of ManRepeller

I'll explain my epiphany: One hoarder in denial - a stunted imagination + Medine's inspiring 'One item worn umpteen different ways' posts = complete rejuvenation.

(Take one dress, or is it a skirt…)

(Layering 101)

You probably already read Medine's blog but, if in the rare case that you've been cohabiting with Spongebob in a pineapple under the sea and have happened to miss it, (and with this scenario I'm assuming internet connection in a fruit, submerged under water isn't quite 4G but then again I may be wrong) follow the link above and mosey on over. 

Side Note: Spongebob references are legitimately cool after Jeremy Scott overrun Moschino with the annoyingly cute (cutely annoying?) little yellow square.

So to conclude on this monumental leap, I declare that I shall never again look upon my plentiful wardrobe and be blinded by the limitations I impose upon myself. Heretofore, manifold will be the buzzword of my life. Amen.

A spade might be a spade but a dress 'aint just a dress. 

(All photos from Manrepeller & Pinterest.)

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