Tuesday 8 April 2014


Last weekend I did something that completely undermines the 'female in a relationship stereotype'. Key troupes of this female in love have been mocked and exploited in numerous Hollywood depictions: Grease, Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, The Notebook, all centre on this ideal of epic love. This flashy love with all the bells and whistles is supposedly worth longing for, fighting for, chasing after, changing for and apparently losing your friends over. But to be honest all of this mushy stuff tends to leave one, as Beyonce neatly sums up, "crazy in love". Emphasis on the crazy.
(Photo by Emily Nelson Art) 

There's two types of crazy: the 'funny' crazy, e.g Ronald Mcdonald or the 'scary' crazy, see also Ronald Mcdonald. When it comes to love, women are more often than not painted as the latter. Think scrawling your name with the addition of his surname; fantasising about your lives together before you've even had the first date; planning your wedding before you've even finished the second date and all the while we're supposed to have this ticking clock adding up the hours, minutes, seconds that the two of you have been together. Yep, just your regular pyscho girlfriend behaviour…

Well I think I forgot to set my mandatory clock, (and, err I'm not a pyscho) because last saturday was my one year anniversary and I was none-the-wiser. 

Other than Christmas and certain people's birthdays (I must admit I've been known to get the date of my own birthday wrong) there's not many other causes for dates to be encircled in my diary, let alone reasons for celebration. What hope do I have of remembering any other future milestones, if I can't even remember this first one? 

But on an altogether more serious note, I missed out on the obligatory 'what the heck am I going to wear' scenario. So I can't help but feel somewhat cheated by my own forgetfulness. 

So for the sake of my sieve-like mind, humour me in imagining what I would have worn in the event that like the girls of rom-com land, I'd remembered the significance of this day. 
Maybe all black? Casual & Chic? Coz after 365 days do you really have to make that much of an effort? Hmm..boyfriend wore a shirt so maybe I do.

Casual & colourful. A shirt & trousers combo plus some killer accessories is always a winner, no? 

Because I have evasive tendencies, maybe I could avoid the choice altogether, and do outfit changes throughout the night?

Failing that non-committal idea, how about a compromise? All black with a statement shoe? I mean heel height being completely dependent on destination however…

If all else fails can you ever go wrong with a statement jacket? I think not. Out comes my trusty dark denim flares and slouchy tee. Ah yes.

But then this happened…
 And then this..

And suddenly I want purple&leopard print and then blue & a pair of graphic trousers and I'm back to wanting a shirt. 

Alas the saga continues. 

I guess it's just as well that I've got another year-ish until this becomes a reality. Let's hope I remember ey! 


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