Saturday 24 January 2015


Time isn't all that it's cracked up to be. There's just never enough of it. Seemingly infinite but unceasingly finite. This time of year inspires crises (yes, in the plural sense) often of the existential type. So much promise for the next twelve months, so much expectation, but ultimately a time of reflection, musing on what could have been and what should have been. Stuck in a land of stasis between what is and what was. Afraid to try, yet more afraid of acknowledging what has already been tried. All of those doors that we walked through, only to find that they led to an elsewhere that wasn't anywhere that we wanted to be. So we peak around doors now, coyly looking in at what might happen, uncertain whether it's worth the chance. The risk.   

Before I've even started, time has begun a race that I will never win. The days end and I find myself wondering; what it is that I've done? What have I put out into the universe? Except unfulfilled promises.  Did I ever sort through that seemingly endless pile of odd socks? No. Did I change that lightbulb so that I could finally do my makeup not in complete darkness? No. Have I untangled my headphones yet? Nope. My day/s can be summed up with a resounding N O! "I'll do it tomorrow", I tell myself and if not, then the next tomorrow or the three after that. How can you 'live each day like it's your last' when time seems ceaseless? The deadline is there sure, looming, but exactly when it is remains unknown to us. Time is an omnipresence that we schedule ourselves around, not fully understanding its potential, or our potential for that matter. 

Carpe diem is a nifty sounding phrase, brilliant for motivating tattoo inspo, the likes of which swamp Instagram daily, but in reality it doesn't pick you up and dust you off, or more pointedly, drag you from beneath your cosy duvet to face the world. That's up to us. Though sometimes the grey of the day infiltrates my mood and my mind and the question arises; what am I doing with my life? 

The answer as ever is unknown, but as I find myself short of time I propose that I come back to it later, or maybe tomorrow... 

(All images unknown)

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