Friday 30 January 2015


Gold Nights Out

Gold Nights Out by sophia2a 

What to wear come Saturday night, I hear you ask? 

Why, red, black and gold of course. 

And why not throw in a stripe of blue, because it's the freak'n weekend after all. The Moschino belt may be a little overkill for some people's likings (mine included) but you can't say that I don't fully embrace a theme now can ya? A slick of lipstick in place of a head because lipstick smudges become your personal calling card come nightfall, not in any form of seduction, merely as a means of marking one's territory, or at least claiming ownership over whose drink is whose - never make the mistake of sharing shades, there will always be one who drinks faster and thus become head drink swindler. Or maybe this is just my friends... Pile on the bangles because, well there's no reason necessary for this one and a watch is always useful, if not wholly necessary, for looking like you're punctual at all times, even when the opposite is true (in my case). Finish with a bag that comes with instructions of use sewn on to it, a dusting of bronzer, a voilà, c'est finis.

Blisters accrued from atrocious dancing in above amazing stilettos are inevitable but what are a few cuts in the name of a good night eh?!

(Check out my Polyvore to see where all items are sourced: sophia2a)

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