Tuesday 31 March 2015


Previously I expounded upon the benefits of outfitting yourself for YOURSELF. Whilst throwing around self love, glitter and an omph of girl power, I forgot about the one person who will always influence (nay negate) what one will wear: Mother Nature. 
You may not dress to please her but you can definitely dress to appease her. I once wore a flimsy mini on a blustery day which resulted in the world having an impromptu meeting with my cameo-making arse. Needless to say, I never made that mistake again...

Last year I was stressing the difficulties of the early onset of summer, this may merely be a case of 'grass greener' but as I sit here, scarf wrapped thrice around my neck, clinging desperately to the layers swamping my body, whilst I risk permanent scolding from my ever-shrinking proximity to the radiator. I can't help but think how silly the me of last year was.
You'd think that weather promoting layering would be the sartorial equivalent of my personal nirvana and to an extent it is. Layering is a means of showcasing my every fashion fancy, whilst simultaneously increasing their cost per wear value exponentially (nothing justifies expenditures like outfitting them in multiple renditions, dad!) all whilst keeping me shiver-free. Plus the continuation of unseasonable seasons means an extension of the dessert-a-day rule that makes post-Christmas life bearable.

However, the arrival of warmer days causes a change in mindset, not just in wardrobes. Spirits are lifted in correlation to hemlines. Guys parade their pecs in vests stolen from their much younger siblings and all of a sudden it becomes acceptable for the mass release of weird feet. As the frost melts away so does any semblance of modesty. 'Spring Break' becomes a viable excuse for just about all of our bad behaviour, as our bug eyed shades tint the world with vibes of summer lovin' and being young forever. Give it a month and I'll be moaning about over exposure and an overwhelming sense of guilt for displacing my favourite slouchy sweater from heavy rotation.
With Spring time scarves seen in abundance at fashion month - yet another offshoot of 70s mania - and longline layers the new silhouette of summer, perhaps it would be fair to posit that Mother Nature is merely helping us limber up for the season ahead. Rather than dictating our #OOTD it seems that Mother Nature is offering daily reminders as gentle encouragement to keep outfit assemblage creative. And to that end I will do my best! 

(Images: Unknown & ManRepeller)

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts! I had never thought of nature and outfits in this way, matching them! That is certainly original. Have a nice day,

    The Flash Window | Bloglovin
