Saturday 15 December 2012


I have an addiction to shoes - I know a statement that has been uttered by countless women (and men) throughout the ages, but it makes it nonetheless true. Actually I think it's an understatement really. In fact I'd like to amend my initial statement; I love all accessories. 

Clothing to me is a form of expression; a non-verbal means of putting my opinion out there. And for me accessories help to punctuate my outfits. It might be a small message that I'm communicating at one moment, maybe one as futile as 'I like polka dots' or it might be a more personal message like, 'today I feel like hiding so I'm layering up'. Whatever my emotional leaning I always feel like accessorising an outfit is a constant battle between remaining individual and not being stared at like I'm some crazy hybrid Lady Gaga/ Nikki Minaj/ Madonna wannabe. 

Whilst these women are all strong and hugely successful they have a tendency to veer towards costume rather than everyday fashion muse - but then in their line of work fantastical outfits are both necessary and expected (and hey there's nothing wrong with that.) However, for a regular girl like me walking out of my house with a bouquet on my head (I'm looking at you Gaga) is highly impractical. Accessories become props but the line between too much and not enough is hazy. Take Anna Dello Russo for example. She is a lady who lives by the philosophy of more is more. Sometimes it works, sometimes it might not work so much but she herself admits, "sometimes I look like a Christmas tree, but it's okay. Who cares?" And she's right.  

Maybe my self consciousness stems from small-town living (I live in Llanelli - a welsh coastal town that you've probably struggled to pronounce - where ones whole person is meticulously measured against how close they can resemble the cast of 'Towie'. And 'unique' is a word rarely used and is usually followed by a declaration that it's 'cool' which it thus followed by a slew of people all stepping out in the same thing.) Despite my grumblings, home is home and whilst I struggle to determine what I deem fashionable as opposed to what everyone else thinks is 'totes amaze' I guess I should just let the voice of ADR ring loud and clear because in the end who the hell cares? 

(A small selection of my jewels; a picture of Anna Dello Russo's collection for H&M via; and in contrast a more minimalist approach to accessorising - something I am favouring at the moment - image unknown) 

 (None of these images are my own and I do not take credit for any of them.)

Sunday 9 December 2012


So 9th December 2012 is the day that I finally started the blog that I have been procrastinating starting for about four years.

Why this day should be the day I have no idea. It is a day of no importance, other than the fact that I'm off work and in serious need of a personal outlet for all my fashion musings and random babblings..

I figured this would be a lot easier but I'm hoping that the adjustment will be relatively smooth and that I'll work out the glitches soon.. Fingers crossed! 

I thought I'd sum up a little bit of what I'm into at the moment..

Anything Erin Wasson (her look, her attitude, just her full stop); dark fringes; clashing pattern, texture and colour; pinks skies; understated neon; and stacked delicate jewellery.

(None of these pictures are my own and I do not take credit for any of them unless stated.)