Friday 31 October 2014


I love Halloween. To the point where I could be mistaken for an American. Their over-the-top approach to the holiday is just so appealing to me. It's not even considered a holiday here. No day off. No exchanging of cards. Just an egged house and some hooligan behaviour. 

Because of my very British roots (read: traditional lack of interest in Halloween) I don't know where my love of All Hallow's Eve actually stems from; maybe my childhood love of Scooby-Doo? I hate fancy dress - nothing makes me feel more uncomfortable than face paint and wigs are itchy and number two, I hate being scared. Maybe it's down to my overactive imagination, but I cannot shake after-images of a scary film. It's with me for days, months even! The boyfriend can't believe that after two years of dating, we still haven't watched one together, like it's some right of passage or something. 

I wasn't actually going to do a Halloween post this year, I figured it was too cliche but when else in the year could I write one?! 

I vetoed going out this year, because, well see earlier issue with fancy dress. Having a break out due to an overuse of face paint, plus a freakout due to *accidental* consumption of said face paint, just doesn't do it for me anymore. Maybe this is a mark of adulthood… 

So as I was saying - or typing - this year I suggested staying in to avoid acne and blood stains. However, my casual suggestion of a film night has now become my doom. Whilst I was thinking of something along the lines of Halloweentown, my little brother and boyfriend have decided upon something else altogether. I am now faced with a new slew of potential horror flicks every single day. To take my mind off this, I have trawled the internet for some anti-horror nods to Halloween. You're welcome.  

Carving is so last year… 

I have no problem dressing up pumpkins, if I start dressing up cats then someone please get help

A subtle nod to Halloween and unlike a witch's hat, it won't leave your hair flat!

Who knew fake eyelashes and fangs went together so well?! 

Forget shop bought costumes and channel your favourite pop cultural heroes this Halloween. 

Have a boo-tiful Halloween!


I recently read an article that centred on David Beckham's innate ability to seem so open without actually disclosing anything. He appears approachable whilst maintaining that stoic level of privacy that fortifies brand Beckham. 

Whilst this opening may have all the men in my life enticed, I'm sorry to say that therein ends my Dai Becks talk. Soz. 

However, it did get me to thinking about the play between revealing information and remaining aloof. And I've come to the conclusion that it's a black art. 

I also read (I seem to have read a lot'a shit this week ey…) about a website whose sole purpose is to act as an escapist portal (although isn't that what all social media is?), that allows the user to anonymously post their secrets in a 'get it off your chest'/'problem shared is a problem halved' kinda way. 

I don't think I have many, if any, secrets to be honest. Rather annoyingly, all of the embarrassing things that happen to me in life (and there've been many) never happen in the privacy of my own company, oh no, I am always surrounded by an audience. And also I'm what they call a 'blabber mouth'. Not a spiller of other people's secrets but a sharer of my own. I like the relief it gives me. To conclude, this aforementioned website is of no use to me but I do think Mr Golden Balls is on to something. So here's my attempts at revealing everything for you to learn absolutely nothing. Enjoy.

Technology Schmechnology 
I'm an old fashioned pen 'n' paper kinda gal. When I say 'pass me my notebook', I mean the spiral bound, lined paper kind, not the fan-dangled, portable, iPad/tablet whatyamacallit?!

Teeth Trauma
I brush my teeth after I've done my makeup and gotten dressed. Yes, I'm a regular risk taker, but I'm a real dab hand at toothpaste removal.

Part-time Book Worm
I'm currently less than a hundred pages through four different books. Will I finish any of them? Who knows. 

Phantom Shopper
I love filling up my internet shopping basket with things that I know I'm not going to buy. I find it therapeutic going through the motions of choosing items, selecting a size/colour and clicking 'add to cart'. Weird. I know.

Despite hair being of little to no importance to me, I currently sit here with newly dyed blonde locks. Brushing my hair used to be the extent of my 'hairdressing', now I face the race against regrowth and the fear of brassy ends. 

Domestic Goddess 
I spend my Sundays watching cookery shows, despite the fact that I'm pretty much the poster girl for 'Cant Cook, Won't Cook'. It's probably better for all around me that I keep the cooking prowess to the professionals… 

Makeup Magic
And this last one, I'm most proud of. Call it my party trick. I can apply mascara with both hands. Yes I'm ambidextrous, not when it comes to writing mind you but then again I consider applying mascara without getting it across the bridge of your nose to be the most important of the two! 

So pop quiz. What have you learnt about me?  

(Photos: tumblr, pinterest, Lust for Life, Angelica Blick & ManRepeller)

Sunday 12 October 2014


No. 1: How to break in a leather jacket.

Thanks to the ladies over at 'WhoWhatWear', I discovered the remedy to one of life's toughest problems. Here's the life changer; wear your leather jacket out in a light shower of rain. Stick with me; the leather will soften and thus give that desired 'worn in' look. Living in Wales, there's certainly no shortage of 'light showers' - in fact we'd probably love more light showers and less torrential rain! - but with that comes a leather jacket that can practically stand up alone, a permanent bend at the elbow and pretty much a cast of my upper body. 

No. 2: The name game.

Ryan Gosling is an anomaly to me, he's not handsome in the stereotypical way - but then again who wants to be stereotypical anyway?! With his boyish charm and slanted smile there's definitely something about him, not sure what 'it' is, maybe it's got something to do with 'The Notebook'… Eva on the other hand is sex appeal incarnate; a vixen of sorts. I wouldn't have put them together but then again matchmaker of the celebrity set isn't on my resume. Anyhow, they've gone and had a baby girl so let's chat names, as in Esmeralda: pretty when I think of the Disney adaptation not so much when I think of Victor Hugo's novel. But then again, let's be honest, next to the names of Gwyneth and Angelina's children she's not doing all that badly. 

No. 3: The day she became a Dame

Segueing nicely into the next point of enlightenment I've chosen to bestow upon you all. A certain Angelina - not of the ballerina/rodent variety - was Friday made an honorary dame in recognition of her services to foreign policy and campaign work against war zone sexual violence. Philanthropist, activist and now a nod from the Queen and she's married to Brad Pitt. I don't know if I'm insanely jealous or just exhausted.

No. 4: Two Worlds Collide

In the midst of whispers surrounding a third 'Sex & The City' film; Sarah Jessica Parker visited the infamous stoop of her 'SATC' character's New York home. In a stealth move to promote her 'Carrie' shoes from her eponymous SJP shoe collection, SJP lined up her heeled beauties for the world to see. Her PR team definitely need a pat on the back for that shrewd move. 

No. 5: Is a 'Badgal' set to be a Bond girl?

Is Rihanna set to be the new Bond girl? I'm cheating with this one as I haven't so much learnt as fact, just kinda heard it. As a true Bond fan I'm more excited to hear that there's even going to be a new film. Although I am intrigued as to whether 'Bad gal Riri' will actually play a 'baddie'. Watch this space.

No. 6: Here comes Kylie

With Kendall taking over the fashion  world, hints at her getting her wings - the acclaimed Victoria's Secret status of an angel that is (wonder what Bruce thinks about those bikinis though), news of her supposedly distancing herself from the circus that is KUWTK and whispers of a separation between her and momager Kris, it's easy to forget the youngest of Jenners, Kylie.

However, as the Eurythmics sang; 'sister's are doin it for themselves', cue Kylie with her new venture into the beauty industry. With a range of extensions, in association with 'Bellami Hair', it really does feel like the Kardashion/Jenner klan are conquering the world four times over.

No. 7: A New Word
Yes in the lifelong quest for knowledge, I like the sponge have discovered a new word and it's all thanks to Daphne Selfe; the 80year old super-est of the supers was described as an, "octogenarian" in a recent article I was pursuing. I figured it probably didn't mean that she had eight arms or legs but I couldn't be sure. After a quick check, I discovered it to mean someone between the ages of 80 and 89. Fascinating.

No. 8: The Bonus
Because I'm ever so generous and I love to impart useless knowledge upon my readers, here's a little extra tidbit. North, of double K power couple origin, has her own tailor who also moonlights as her stylist. Tiny versions of Kim's couture is made to fit her little 16 month toddler, mini-me stylee. At the age when a cardboard box provides just as much fun as a tequila chaser at an underage party, is it really necessary? There are 'Playmobil' toys that North is underage for, let alone crawling around her mother's 7" heels! I must admit that making your FROW debut at the tender age of not even two is pretty impressive, although I can't help but think that it all has something to do with her 'plunging neckline competing parents' media grabbing tendencies than anything else. Ah well, I love the spectacle of it all! 

(Images Via: sugarscape, thefashiontag, reddit, eonline, gossipboyz, refinery29, theguardian, pinterest)  

Friday 10 October 2014


Something has happened to me. I'm not quite sure when it happened  but I'm scared. Terrified actually.

I'm not quite sure how I'd describe my own personal style. I'd love to be one of those girls who spout off a full list of adjectives that sound utterly nonsensical but oh so acute at the same time (boho chic with a glamorous, punk edge all with a cherry on top) but alas I'm not.

I don't have a proclivity for changing my style everyday. Whilst I don't believe in the concept of a finite identity, I see myself growing naturally and my style inclinations doing the same. Clothes are the markers of identity but they're not the defining factor. They just reflect a certain outside factor; an external representation of an internal feeling. I'm changeable, complicated to put a finer point on it I guess, so despite my often verbose vocabulary I find it impossible to define my style. Maybe I don't really want to box myself in. I like to be changeable, a bit sporadic.  

Case in point before today I have never ever been into fur, in any iteration. Then on my lunch break, mid-mouthful of soup and whilst pursuing through the pages of my favourite guilty pleasure mag to get my daily ounce of fashion sustenance. I saw it; a fold over, mustard, oversized FURRY clutch and right next to it were a pair of delicate strappy, pale pink heels with the most delightful flourish of feather puff at the heel. I imagine them to be the shoes that angels wear as they skip through the clouds… Sorry got a bit carried away then. The issue here though, is not to veer into Gaga territory. 

I recently wrote an article on 'Lizzie Mcguire' here, so whether that subconsciously influenced my newfound fondness for fluff (every outfit is topped with some form of fur/feather concoction). Or whether it's the contrast between the minimalism in structure (barely there strappy sandals, simple fold over clutch) and the kooky use of such tactile fabrics. I love a good juxtaposition. Like if Calvin Klein circa 1990s met Big Bird. Though the catalyst remains unbeknownst to me, it's a look that I'm practically sprouting feathers over myself to get a hold of. 

With winter fast approaching, nothing says 'buy me' more than a wearable hug in the form of some faux fur a la Peter Pilotto. Throw some feather in there for good measure or good luck or something. 

P.s Also nothing says I love you quite like a pair of fur encrusted sandals. Boyfriend please take note. I'm a size 6.
(Images via: gettyimages, eonline, whowhatwear)

Sunday 5 October 2014


1: Clothes have a life of their own…

Due to lack of hang rail capacity - from an overabundance of clothes rather than an absence of space - I have always folded my knits. Little did I know how beneficial this was to the prolonging of my well-loved garments. Through the experience of my grandmother, I have discovered that when hung, the weight of the knit actually drags the jumper/cardigan down, giving it the appearance of having grown in size. When you think about it, it seems like common sense but cumon, be honest, who thinks of these things?!

(Missoni:The rainbow coloured, vertical striped, knitwear dream incarnate)

2: Coach got cool

As much as I would describe myself a fashion devotee, I'm not necessarily an avid follower of designer collections. I'm not sure if it's because I'm far removed from the upper echelons of high fashion and the big spenders or whether the sheer amount of new material that has come out of the subsequent fashion weeks of late is just overwhelming. However, when I saw the Coach SS15 collection I could not contain my excitement! I loved the kinda washed out watercolour pastels that seemed ever so slightly bleached at the edges, coupled with the vibrant pops of orange and flashes of leopard print that are set against the quirky flourish of a leather mini. The fur jackets/coats in a myriad of colours, cast over chunky knits (acknowledging the more often than not, chilly British Spring time) with equally chunky, block stacked clogs/sandals. Channeling a nostalgic 70s aesthetic, peppered with modern prints and a cool girl vibe that is just utterly imitable. I might give the one eyed lady look a miss though, purely to avoid walking into things, falling over things and generally making an arse of myself. The rest however, will find itself in my possession shortly - or at least in essence it will...
 (My inspiration for the rest of the year!
Image Via:

3: Lena Dunham: Writer, Comedienne, Actress, Inspiration, Wonder Woman and now Author?!

All round funny woman and now part time life guru? Yes, Lena Dunham might just be the twenty-first century Wonder Woman. Addressing challenging subjects with a tongue in cheek approach, which rather than detracting from their serious nature acts to make these more difficult issues, more approachable. She might not be 'that kind of girl' but she sure is my kind of girl. (Check out her book's title to get the full effect of my witty play on words.) Lena's book is out now and I don't know about you but I can't wait to find out what she's 'learned'.

(Hooray for longtime real girl Lena!
Image Via:

4: The importance of morning nourishment 

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, kick starting your metabolism into action for an all round healthy lifestyle. In fashion terms, a healthy wardrobe is accomplished with a frequent dosage of shopping to help replenish both your sartorial needs and enlighten your entire being. Latching on to the positive effect that both breakfast and shopping have on one's life, the fash pack have created rather a literal take on the trend, with a take on the Frosties cereal box  featuring at Anya Hindmarch and Chanel creating couture shopping baskets and foodstuffs with the brands namesake emblazoned across the front; Karl Lagerfeld and Cara Delevingne making supermarket shopping officially cool. Like they say, every aisles a runway. 

(Image Via: Expect the Unexpected
If only I looked this cool on my stroll around the aisles of Tesco…)

5:Take me to the jungle

Jeremy Scott made it acceptable to find inspiration everywhere, even in your toy box. So why wouldn't the next logical step be for Sophia Webster to channel all things 'Jungle Book'? Though not such a literal take - unfortunately Baloo didn't make an appearance and neither did Shere Khan, which is just as well really - the jungle theme was more than evident, though think techno jungle not National Geographic. Fun, florescent and totally exotic; like taking a hike on acid - not that I'm condoning drugs or citing high heels as practical walking garb, though they could act as hiking picks… 
(Party for your feet yah? 
Image Via: Shoes N Booze)

6: The need for change 

I couldn't compose a round up of the week without including Emma Watson and that speech she made during the HeForShe conference. Female prowess was completely un-ignorable as the journey toward societal equality was thrust into the media spotlight. However, on a less positive note, the sheer amount of animosity toward the movement was beyond shocking to hear. Is it possible that in this day and age for people to be so ignorant and narrow minded? Maybe it's just as well that this has all been aired out in the public sphere, highlighting the drastic need for a major adjustment in social attitude!
(Could this be the start of change? Lets hope so. 
Image Via: Sweatpants&Coffee)

7:Being Brit is like tasting the rainbow

What happens when you accidentally leave a bag of skittles in the pocket of your trench coat when taking it to be dry cleaned? Well, I'd imagine you'd end up with something very similar to the Burberry Prorsum SS15 show. Not that I'm belittling the genius that is Christopher Bailey. In a way I'm glad that I don't have a spare couple of thousand because I'd be hard done by to choose just one colour way...    
(I'll take one in each colour please. Ta
Image Via: UK Glam)