Monday 31 December 2018


The years end is imminent and with the curtain call looming, comes 365 days worth of reflection. In perhaps one of my most obvious understatements of the year, a lot has happened. 
2018 has been the year Magic Mike was realised on stage, Nikki Minaj received a shoe to the head, Spice Girls reclaimed their girl power (minus Posh *sob*), Harry met (and married) Meghan Markle, Holly Willoughby became the new Ant, Brexit became a thing *sort of*, Brangelina was no more and Stacey Dooley won Strictly Come Dancing. 

And not to seem crass or glib, it's important to note that this year has also been one of loss, tragedy, political upheaval and a sense of the true gravitas of the unknown. But in response, this year has also been one that has inspired a renewed sense of solidarity, a space for discussions to be had and most importantly to be learned from, enacted upon and used to encourage us all to be better and do better. 
We might not know if/how Brexit will play out, or whether Posh will make a surprise reunion, but I can tell you the ending to an as yet unmade movie, the colour of the season to come and how to handle that hangover you're most probably, definitely, undoubtably going to receive this Festive season, so read on...

Three is not the magic number
It's no secret that the proposed third Sex and the City movie was firmly squashed dead by Kim Cattrall's refusal to rejoin her costars. The who-ha exploded all over the internet, with theories of longtime feuds and allegations of bullying overshadowing excitement at the franchise's third instalment. With one quarter of the foursome out, the prospect of the film is no more. However, as I started to wonder what could have been, Vogue revealed the Big news.

Green with envy Fashion
2017 was the year of pink, specifically of the millennium shade. The purple of 2018 was moodier, reflexive of the tumultuous socioeconomic/ socio-polictal climate of now. And it would seem that 2019 is the year of green - renewal, growth and harmony; speaking of what is to hopefully be a year of betterment.

Fashion Gets a Giddy-Up
In 2018 the fashionable and the unfashionable became one and the same. Cycling shorts, bumbags, dad shoes, fleeces, matrix sunglasses, the list is ever expanding. The newest addition seemingly being the stirrup trousers. An 80s throwback embraced by the likes of 'Fashion Icon of the Year', Victoria Beckham. Whilst that little nugget of information may or may not inspire adoption of this trend, whatever your preference, the draft reducing possibilities are truly undeniable. Perhaps a Winter must-have after all?

To Snoop, Love Snoop, From Snoop
Snoop Dogg received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but most importantly he made a speech that almost completely overshadowed this accolade. I vow to channel him at any and every public speaking opportunity and relinquish self-deprecation in favour of a pat on the back for work well done. #Stayhumble

AI Does Fashion
Technology as a means of innovative development in the fashion community has long been embraced. From the robotic sprayers at the 1999 Alexander McQueen Spring show, to today's downloadable sewing patterns, body scanners and 3D printers, technology is inextricably linked to fashion and its future. And now the prevalence of technology is seemingly at its apex with its attendance literally being sat front row at fashion week and rather aptly, it's named Sophia...  

When you've got Nothing to Wear, Wear it All
Christmas is a time for excess; eating, drinking, being merry with family, friends and spreading love and good cheer to all. JLo took this seasonal excess literally, wearing the equivalent of ten dresses in one, to the premiere of her film, Second Act. It was a frothy concoction, that required a bus to transport her (& it) and that refused anything than the attention it so deserved. Potential office party inspo... 

Car Crash Television

Carpool karaoke with Cardi B; it was always destined to be a hoot. Made even hootier by the fact that Cardi is driving. Watch on a Monday morning for much hilarity. 

Hangover Season : Hang on in There
Inevitably, this time of year will involve a hangover or two and despite supposedly knowing better, with maturity these hangovers worsen exponentially. Read the who, what, whys and most importantly, the hows, as in how to survive and potentially thrive this hectically festive time of year. 

Enjoy this festive time of year, reflect to grow not to mourn what wasn't, think only of what is to come. Be merry, be healthy and be present.

H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R!!

(Images via :, pinterest,, AnOthermagazine, XXL Mag,

Tuesday 18 December 2018


When age is not but a number, rather a pesky reminder of inevitable and irrevocable change.

Turning 27 did something to me this year. 
It is a number that has hit me harder than any other before it. And has become one that I mumble as opposed to coherently enunciate. I'm not sure if subconsciously I set this up as a milestone of sorts. A barometre to measure my life against thus far. An unknown finish line, an unspoken deadline, a to-do list that never got done and by default, a number that has unwittingly become a reminder of my incompletes, do-tomorrows and flat out failings. 

Questions of marriage and children (as inevitably follows) are becoming evermore frequent, and my evasive retorts of being but a mere babe myself are becoming less cute and the annoyance harder to mask in my laboured responses. Being asked for ID is a relative non-occurrence. Those anxious teenage years at the dread of being asked to prove my age, are rewritten by my present attempts to disprove my age. Times of being interrogated whilst trying to purchase matchsticks, glue and spray paint (not at the same time) are mere anecdotes of a past life. Little memories that I pull out at parties as conversation fillers of days gone by.

I keep meaning to buy anti-ageing creams/potions of year-rewinding capabilities, but I feel that a sign of defeat, an admittance that I am in fact old-er. I do realise that I was and have been ageing long before I hit 27. I aged to reach 27, but this is the year that I noticed it.
The long commutes to work over this past year have led me to this. Self-reflection is a positive and necessary means of self-growth and betterment, but that doesn't mean the gravity of such personal realisations, doesn't knock the wind out of you all the same. My ageing only truly hit me when on one particularly long journey, my mind turned to what I perhaps wouldn't be able to wear much longer. Miniskirts for one, (though contentious, as I know many women who wear skirts regardless of age) but I'm talking about those arse-skimming, completely impractical skirts, that speak of reckless, late nights of giggling, hangover-free youth.

Hoodies too, I feel perhaps might also have an imminent use-by-date.  Many a teenage angsty moment was non-verbally communicated through the hood pulled low about my eyes. The rebellion of inverting the practical use of such an item as a visual signifier of my mood, was both a handy warning to my parents and immensely cool. I know that there will be many more items that I have unknowingly neglected from this list and probably won't realise them as artefacts of a previous me, until I so decide to *try* to wear them. 
Life right now consists of my evolving fashion proclivities as I try to redefine myself as a twenty-something, intent on refining an inherent eclecticism. Retaining the essence of self, but with more polish. Currently I do not wear miniskirts very often, if ever. This is for no reason other than I like the freedom of trousers. Perhaps miniskirts will come into my sphere of interest again, then again perhaps they won't. And it is this that I need to remind myself of. I am not and do not need to mourn something that never was. 

Age may actually not be the reason that certain items have dropped from my interest. It's merely personal preference. The looming deadline that I have self-imposed is a fiction that I have constructed. The miniskirt is innocent. Yet, I have capitulated it as a representation of youth and in me not wearing it any longer, it has become a rejection of youth and an admittance of age. 

The hoodie is also exemplary of this. It resonates of college days gone by, a fond time of happiness and personal freedom. The lack of uniform meant for an abundance of self-expression, of which I was congratulated upon, with countless questions of: "where did you get that?". In being myself I gained approval, the very thing that teenagers (& adults) crave. Thus these items have become symbolic of happiness during a time that I happened to be young-er.
This is not intended to be a morose tale of loss. It is more a stream of consciousness. I'm not even sure age appropriateness is even really a thing, more-so a mental construct. It is a reminder that just as there is a beginning, there is an end. What was once taken for granted, easily becomes what is most longed for. What is normal is ever-changing, time passes, tastes change and people grow. But it is in these nuances of life, in the mundane, that things get missed without even realising it.

All seemed to be affirmed in my mind when Kendall Jenner wore a lookalike version of Paris Hilton's 'vintage' 21st birthday dress. I was now part of an era passed, having experienced the peak Hilton years during my youth. It was now just a throwback. A sense of nostalgia overwhelmed, as I wish I'd appreciated the time before age was even a consideration. And then last week Paris Hilton, as a now 37 year old woman, re-wore her 2000's infamous, sex-on-a-stick dress and my fears of age appropriateness dissipated, because whatever the age, she proved, that's hot.

(Photos via : & pinterest)