Saturday 31 January 2015


Only the essentials (insert laughing monkey emoji)

I can't think of anything better right now for a casual Saturday spent wondering aimlessly around (except perhaps a coffee...), with no place to go and no place to be. Sometimes all you need is an array of accessories and 24 hours of empty time. Fill it as you wish, but make sure you do so in style.

(As ever, all information about the items above can be found at my Polyvore: sophia2a)

Friday 30 January 2015


Gold Nights Out

Gold Nights Out by sophia2a 

What to wear come Saturday night, I hear you ask? 

Why, red, black and gold of course. 

And why not throw in a stripe of blue, because it's the freak'n weekend after all. The Moschino belt may be a little overkill for some people's likings (mine included) but you can't say that I don't fully embrace a theme now can ya? A slick of lipstick in place of a head because lipstick smudges become your personal calling card come nightfall, not in any form of seduction, merely as a means of marking one's territory, or at least claiming ownership over whose drink is whose - never make the mistake of sharing shades, there will always be one who drinks faster and thus become head drink swindler. Or maybe this is just my friends... Pile on the bangles because, well there's no reason necessary for this one and a watch is always useful, if not wholly necessary, for looking like you're punctual at all times, even when the opposite is true (in my case). Finish with a bag that comes with instructions of use sewn on to it, a dusting of bronzer, a voilà, c'est finis.

Blisters accrued from atrocious dancing in above amazing stilettos are inevitable but what are a few cuts in the name of a good night eh?!

(Check out my Polyvore to see where all items are sourced: sophia2a)

Thursday 29 January 2015


Bright Things On A Rainy Day by sophia2a 

Doing the rounds on Facebook at the moment is: 'Tell me 7 Facts About Yourself'. Now 'fun' things like this, in still in me the same dread that I feel when I'm faced with filling in the 'tell me a bit about yourself' section of a job application, or 'selling' myself when writing up my CV. It's hard when you're pretty much the poster girl for the average twenty-something to think of anything defining about yourself.

As I've mentioned before, I'm pretty chatty (or more pointedly, babble-some) which means that unless it's especially cringe-worthy, everyone I've ever met probably already knows about it. I'm just a sucker for panic-blurting in an exasperated fit to fend off the dreaded 'awkward silence', which makes my joining in with the above Facebook motion a rather moot one. 

However, to soothe my self-imposed exclusion from this club, I thought that I'd write up '7 Things That I Wish Were In My Wardrobe Right Now'. Clever, right? 
(I definitely wouldn't mind a view like this)

I'm not sure about where you are in the world right now, but the skies over Wales resemble the muggy water of an artist after cleaning all of their paint brushes in it. To distract me from these moody, threatening skies, I have decided that I need some colour in my life; something that you'd swear I had an aversion to if you looked in my wardrobe right now. So 'thing I wish was in my wardrobe' number 1, would have to be, well, a whole new wardrobe, preferably the combined closets of Cher Horowitz, Dionne Davenport and Elle Woods. Yes, apparently colour to me involves resembling a mash up of bubblegum pop, candy floss and a children's tv presenter. But hey, I'm willing to try anything to fend off these winter blues. 
(The Coveteur has got me coveting again...)

The second item that I do so wish was mine, should more correctly be referred to in the plural sense, as in items. I wish - like most people, I'm sure - that I had a shoe collection to rival that of Carrie Bradshaw's, preferably stocked full with Sophia Webster creations. Not only is she in good company with a name like that (lol), but her shoes are undeniably high-fashion yet humorous. They're made for the sartorially aware who don't take themselves too seriously, so yeah, they're totally made for me, right? One day I will own a pair, and when I do, I don't know whether I'll wear them or frame them... 
(The pout that inspired a thousand rumours)

So this one isn't technically a wardrobe-want, more a skill that I'd like to acquire. Lately, what was once a concern of the older generation staving off their receding lips, has become an area of great focus for every woman, totally irregardless of age. With the youngest of the Jenner/Kardashian siblings spawning speculation over her inflated lips and Khloe's pillow pout growing almost as quickly as her derriere (seems like everyone is chasing the Kim K booty!), lips are the feature of focus at the moment. Which leads me to numero tres: I wish I could pencil in a pout. I feel like lipstick is such a commitment but I would so love to be able to slick it on nonchalantly, without even a glance in the mirror. Whilst I'm not sure I'll ever get to the 'no mirror-check' stage, I live in hope. 
(Turtle-neck and orange to boot. Uh, need it!)

As an avid fashion guzzler, I'm embarrassed to admit that I do not own a polo neck! However, this one will be rectified imminently, if not for bonus points on the fashion richter scale, then to fend off the threat of pneumonia!
(Proof that together orange & navy create an ensemble worth lusting after)

The sixth in my list is a slight side note to my initial colour quibble (refer back to number 1). Yes I would love to have more colour in my wardrobe but to single one out for the purpose of this list, I wish I had orange in my wardrobe (hence the orange theme of the above Polyvore ^^^). Not as garish as yellow (yuck!) but still just as cheerful and it makes a delightful colour combination when paired with navy - which is my all-time favourite colour, hands down, forever, amen. 
(The chicest thing to peek out from under a chair)

And lastly, as ever, my focus once again turns to the shoes. With the 90's platform still riding high well into S/S15, and the renegade chunky 70's style making appearances everywhere right now, I feel an affinity to it's more streamlined cousin, the stiletto. The only conclusion I can deduce for my lapse in ownership of the most sophisticated of footwear is due purely to the sturdiness afforded of a block heel when wobbling around intoxicated, or, when like me, you're blessed with the grace of Bambi on ice.

I think perusing through the dream wardrobe that is Polyvore has gone to my head a little, but a girl can dream. Who knows, if I wish hard enough, they might actually materialise. (Side note: If this were to happen, I'd like to add the classic Chanel, chain strapped, quilted handbag, in black - not that I'm asking for much or anything...) Until then Polyvore collages will have to suffice!

(Images Via: Unknown, The Coveteur,,, & unknown)

Check out my Polyvore to find out where my picks are from sophia2a

Wednesday 28 January 2015


Oliver Jenkins is the man at the helm of OJ Creative, his namesake company that specialises in photography, from wedding to portraiture to fashion; he does it all. With the promise of no awkward posing or cliché styling, Oliver aims to capture the natural magnetism of his clients. A simple mission statement that sums up his philosophy on photography - “why make things complicated?” A definite mantra to live by!

After a few emails, I meet Oliver on a typical Welsh day (that is, raining) but his disposition is quite the opposite, greeting me with a big ‘Huh-loo’. His friendly welcome goes well beyond conventional British etiquette and his company immediately puts me at ease. To the outside world I’m sure that we appear as old friends - I even feel like we’re old friends.

It is clear that Oliver has true passion for the craft, attesting that he “loves” what he does. A refreshing statement in these jaded times and it’s evident, almost tangible, in his photography. As a keen selfie taker and photo-bomber extraordinaire - long before the terminology came into existence - Oliver spent years honing his skills behind the camera, creating a style of photography that truly captures the moment. From the setting to the composition, to his clever editing; his images speak of his fine art background and keen interest in the natural world. The marriage of which makes for truly striking imagery. No more so than in his beautiful shoot of The Black Wedding Dress.
Karl Lagerfeld famously said that, “one can never be overdressed or underdressed, in a little black dress”. Whilst this rings true amongst fashion circles, it goes without saying that it certainly defies Wedding convention. However, Oliver is quick to point out that Weddings are a day of expression, both of love and of a couple’s individuality. It is a celebration of a union and an appreciation of two individuals, in what is to be a truly unique affair. Call it the Bianca Jagger effect, if you will, (the woman synonymous with that white suit), plus a new-age inclination to defy expectation.   

The little black dress is a sartorial staple that is found in the wardrobes of most women. So why shouldn’t the dress du jour be one that has lived a life with the bride on her journey up to this special day? It’s an interesting concept for a bride to don something that she is truly comfortable in. And that’s where the man behind the lens steps in; to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Oliver explains that the concept behind the shoot was to capture the overall ambiance of the day and the subtle nuances - a loving glance here, a knowing smile there. These, he cites, are what transform a picture into a vision of art. The outcome is one that speaks of female empowerment, the black dress cutting a striking silhouette against the natural surroundings. It tells the story of a twenty-first century romance, filled with love, but an undeniably modern rewrite of the classic fairytale.
The allure of clothing will always remain omnipresent for women (and men) - an ever-lasting romance if you will! Much of this lies in the communicative capabilities of clothing as a means of self-expression. However, having a photographer like Oliver, who is able to capture all of the in-between notes and punctuate them with new verve, gives voice to the oft over-looked nuances of the day, as well as highlighting the all important sartorial stylings of the happy couple. 

So whilst the dress is not something to be passed over, Oliver's photography reminds us that the real beauty lies in the day as a whole, not just in the complimentary 'oohs' and 'ahhhs' received from onlookers gushing over The Dress. And that is what makes Oliver Jenkins a truly inspiring photographer.
Needless to say I know who'll be taking my wedding pictures. Now all I need is a proposal... 

All images by OJ Creative. 
Visit his website:
Or check out his Facebook page: OJCreative

Tuesday 27 January 2015


(What would Serena say?!)

1/ The return of the UGGly boot
I know that for some (or sadly most) Ugg boots never actually went away (though I so wish they would!). What they provide in comfort in no way compensate for the terrible, hoof-like things they do to your feet. And that's not to mention what the onslaught of copy-cat offerings did the nation, leaving them sloping inwards and thus waddling like ducks. The marmite of footwear. The winter counterpart of the summer croc epidemic. My personal nemesis. And as we know, where UGGs go leggings are sure to follow. Needless to say, I'm going to be a taking an extended rain check on this one. 

(It's hard to believe that this real life couple aren't actually models!)

2/ Breaking down barriers with Tiffany & Co
Making a statement against prejudice whilst purporting good taste in jewels? It's all in a days work for the folks over at Tiffany's, with their newest advertisement depicting a wedding proposal between a same sex couple - replete with to-die for engagement rings obv. A positive step towards, not just acceptance but hopefully an embracement of gay marriage. Because why should people marry whoever they choose to?   

(Rachel Blanchard (left) & Alicia Silverstone (right) Oh wait, no that's wrong?!)

3/ The doppelgänger that left me Clueless
'Clueless' the 1995 film based loosely on Jane Austen's novel 'Emma', will always remain in my top 5, though it does waver between position 3 & 4 depending on my mood. However, in the far reaches of my mind, I always thought that I had some vague recollection of a tv series, and wouldn't you know it, with one quick YouTube search, there it was, in all it's 90's bubble gum glory. And then it hit me. All those years of mistaking Alicia Silverstone and Rachel Blanchard  now made sense. With all the distraction of the feathered hats and garish ensembles can you really blame me though? But here it is, my official apology for being so 'blonde' all of these years.

(Padora Sykes ticking the tunic trend and sophisticated sweats lewk)

4/ Stop! Tunic time
With the 70's now an official thing (I feel like my blog has been overrun with this newsflash of late. Soz!) is it any wonder that the tunic is the next item from the decade du jour to be resurrected? Perfect for hiding certain areas that we ladies may consider unfavourable. Team with a sleek polo and bell bottoms to lengthen legs and counter balance the bottom-covering length of the tunic, or ignore me completely and style it up your way!

(Cara Delevingne: model/mad hatter/backwards necklace wearer)

5/ Backwards is the new frontwards
Few style updates require the same amount of time it takes to stick down the velcro on your trainers (hands down the best thing to make a come back eveeeer) however, this mini trend literally requires no time and only the skill of a novice hullahooper. Simply place your necklace around your neck, then swing or fling - depending on your personal preference - that bad boy 180 degrees, so that it dangles delicately between your shoulder blades. Forget the cleavage and channel the wise words of Sir Mix-A-Lot, because baby, got back - only, er, I actually mean back not derriere. 

(Shredded laundry chic anyone?)

6/ The underside of 90's fashion 
2015 is set to be the year of the comeback, with past trends the only thing fulfilling that sought after je ne sais quio; Sienna Miller reclaiming her style crown and now the return of TLC (though sadly without Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes, RIP). The internet is abuzz with the news and you've probably already heard allll about it. So as not to sound like a rehashing of, well, everyone, I thought I'd turn to the fashion side of the spectrum (duh). The 90's weren't all bindied Gwen Stefani, waif thin Mossy and dishevelled Courtney Love don't ya know. TLC were holding their own in tent sized trousers, the baggiest of dungarees, colour brights and er, condoms. Yeah, the last one is an anomaly to me too and I have it under good authority from an official 90's gal about town that it was considered pretty bizarre back then too! The 90's sure were an umm, eclectic (?), eccentric (?) time. 

(Ringin' it)

7/ The joys of the internet
I recently got my favourite ring stuck on my finger and I mean really stuck, like when you actually start to panic that it might be you and this ring, walking hand in hand (so to speak) forever. So I did what any panic-stricken twenty-something would do, I googled it.  Now advice ranged from suggesting that I twist dental floss around my finger and just before it falls off, to 'simply' twist the troublesome ring et voila (needless to say that I didn't try this one out). There was also the proposal of using Windex, which according to the 'authority of the internet', "often works best" (WTF? Who even considers these things as an option in the first place?!) or submerging your hand in water and just when it gets all crinkley and you get so disgusted at the sight of it, you just chop it off and be done with it - okay not really but who else hates that wrinkly water soaked skin thing? But my favourite has to be the recommendation to use peanut butter with the disclaimer: 'smooth not chunky' because, yes, getting a ring stuck on your finger also inhibits the functioning of your brain! I got so distracted by all of this riveting new information that the ring slipped off as if nothing had happened. This is the excitement of my life.

(Images via:,,,, & unknown) 

Monday 26 January 2015


They say that inspiration is everywhere but the catalyst for this blog post is sure to astound you - or at least have you questioning my viewing proclivities. Have you heard of the programme, 'Total Divas'? No? Well, as a quick synopsis, the show follows the 'real' lives of the WWE divas. I know nothing about wrestling, nor do I particularly want to, but the show is strangely addictive - but that's 'E!'s schtick isn't it? They did give us KUWTK after all - due largely to the Bella twins. Nikki is a true diva, all boobs, bling and a perfected pout and Brie is pretty much an earth mother with abs. To surmise: if the twins were to be represented by one designer, Nikki would be Michael Kors and Brie would be Matthew Williamson. 
(Nikki (left) & Brie (right) Like I needed to tell you anyway right?)

Before you click off this page through fear of getting lost in one of my rambles, there is a point to this, I promise. During my weekly ritualistic watching of the show, I have become hooked on Brie's off stage stylings - the onstage ensembles (chaps, leg warmers, hot pants) leave a lot to be desired, though little to the imagination. With a wardrobe full of floral dresses, flowy skirts and vintage gems, the perfect curation of bohemian charm. Lauded as 'haute hippie', it has ignited in me a carnal desire to resurrect my old friendship bracelets, practise my headscarf fashioning and I can't deny that the dramatic swish of the fabric as it floats around me isn't wildly satisfying - though it does pose quite the potential 'disaster waiting to happen' when entering or exiting through any kind of door...
(Peace signs & abs make for a stylista don't ya know)

But I must add that this isn't a rerun of the early noughties Sienna Miller powered bohemian. Oh no, hair is groomed and makeup, though natural, is impeccable. Plus sky high heels are as welcome as going bare foot and a flash of washboard abs is totally okay too.
As with anything that garners attention, the bohemian revival has earned its own acronym: the 'mobo' which is code for modern boho, duh! This side of the world, the come back kid Sienna Miller, who after only twenty-five days into the new year, is having something of a moment, inspiring the same fashion fervour experienced a decade ago - though this time around with added polish and not a peasant skirt insight. With the revival of all things 70's inspired, plus this newly invigorated appreciation for the grown up bohemian, the onset of summer seems almost tangible. 
(She's baaaaack on a Vogue cover near you)

Though, whilst Sienna Miller may be having the best start to 2015 like, ever, I can't help but feel more impressed by Brie's stylistic offerings. I mean few wrestlers can boast such things. Though red and yellow is forever synonymous with Hulk Hogan, he will always be second to the golden arches of McDonalds - who undeniably hold dibs on all things of the red and yellow variety. Brie, however, is so far removed (sartorially speaking) from her Bella alter-ego, that it comes as an unexpected surprise to see fringing in her off-duty arsenal in favour of lycra and crotch close ups.

So let that be a lesson to you, never judge a wrestler by their spandex attire kids!    

(Images via: @thebriebella & 

Saturday 24 January 2015


Time isn't all that it's cracked up to be. There's just never enough of it. Seemingly infinite but unceasingly finite. This time of year inspires crises (yes, in the plural sense) often of the existential type. So much promise for the next twelve months, so much expectation, but ultimately a time of reflection, musing on what could have been and what should have been. Stuck in a land of stasis between what is and what was. Afraid to try, yet more afraid of acknowledging what has already been tried. All of those doors that we walked through, only to find that they led to an elsewhere that wasn't anywhere that we wanted to be. So we peak around doors now, coyly looking in at what might happen, uncertain whether it's worth the chance. The risk.   

Before I've even started, time has begun a race that I will never win. The days end and I find myself wondering; what it is that I've done? What have I put out into the universe? Except unfulfilled promises.  Did I ever sort through that seemingly endless pile of odd socks? No. Did I change that lightbulb so that I could finally do my makeup not in complete darkness? No. Have I untangled my headphones yet? Nope. My day/s can be summed up with a resounding N O! "I'll do it tomorrow", I tell myself and if not, then the next tomorrow or the three after that. How can you 'live each day like it's your last' when time seems ceaseless? The deadline is there sure, looming, but exactly when it is remains unknown to us. Time is an omnipresence that we schedule ourselves around, not fully understanding its potential, or our potential for that matter. 

Carpe diem is a nifty sounding phrase, brilliant for motivating tattoo inspo, the likes of which swamp Instagram daily, but in reality it doesn't pick you up and dust you off, or more pointedly, drag you from beneath your cosy duvet to face the world. That's up to us. Though sometimes the grey of the day infiltrates my mood and my mind and the question arises; what am I doing with my life? 

The answer as ever is unknown, but as I find myself short of time I propose that I come back to it later, or maybe tomorrow... 

(All images unknown)

Thursday 22 January 2015


If you follow me on Instagram then my love of jewellery is evident and already well known to you and I needn't say anymore. However, for those who don't follow me, (firstly, why? I'm offended right now. I can only assume that it's an oversight, so just to help you out it's, @w_sophia) I love jewellery, in fact you should check out my Instagram... lol.
(A smidge of my colection
Photo: @w_sophia)

Rings, necklaces, bracelets, bangles, I don't discriminate, rather I see them all as extra points of interest. Elevating an otherwise blah ensemble (because we all have those days) to something of a talking point. However, that being said, sometimes these little postulations of sparkle and shimmer don't always transcend the practicalities of real life, leaving them to fall short of actual wearability. Which is their intended purpose after all, right?

(John Galliano for MMM - Subtle as always

There's always been a question surrounding fashion and art: does something have to be wearable to be 'fashion'? Can 'art' be worn? Think particularly of high fashion and couture, the whole concept behind it is to create the aspirational; to spin dreams into material existence, but nothing is mentioned about practicality... It complicates things shall we say. 

(A light bulb moment

Art and fashion are founded on creativity, informing one another, often indistinguishable from each other. For example, the Chanel shoes that featured a working light bulb in the heels, or Olympia Le Tan's clutch bags that are essentially doppelgangers of 'The Classics'. We've had jewel encrusted face masks - worn by Kanye West and revived by John Galliano in his recent comeback show -; there's been unwalkable heels (refer back to Naomi circa Vivienne Westwood's 1993 show) and jewellery that could quite easily have doubled as weaponry. And yet despite all of the difficulties that accompany such 'kooky' adornments (e.g. a blown bulb, inability to see properly, inability to walk at all...) I'd like to focus on the bangle. Yes, that's right. The run of the mill, wear-anywhere bangle - because as I've recently discovered, it too has its limitations. 
(Looking well read and fashionable all thanks to Olympia Le Tan.

Winter poses many problems, leaving one as Miss Horowitz elegantly puts it, "ensembly challenged". Consider this: you've decided upon a long sleeved polo when you think, 'self, it's time to accessorise'. Now, do you put the bangle over your sleeve or underneath it? Let me talk you through this. For example, if you opt to wear your jewels underneath said long sleeves, you face the cold sensation of the metal bangles every time you move. In these sub-zero climes, are you willing to put up with this extra brrr just to fulfil your material inclinations? Oh, you are you say? However, in doing so you hide the very accoutrements you've chosen to bedeck yourself in, making the very act of putting them on, a rather moot one... Now if you choose the alternative, that is to wear your bangles atop your sleeve, you essentially shackle yourself into your outfit. So forget rolling up your sleeves to 'get stuck in' as they say, you'll just have to dramatically flick your hair out of your face and exclaim declaratory things like, 'right' and 'now then' if you want to convince people of your productivity. 
(The dream
Photo: unknown)
Perhaps the issue lies more with the bleak weather of late and the *annoying* domino effect it has upon my sartorial proclivities, imparting limitations on what is otherwise my 'wear anytime/anywhere' philosophy. So either I move to warmer climes or... actually that sounds like a bloody good idea. I'm off to check out holiday destinations. Roll on the Summer!!!   

Saturday 17 January 2015


(Follow me on Instagram @w_sophia)

I have a tendency to ramble and have been known to hold extensive conversations with myself. A friend's father once quipped that I could talk a glass eye to sleep. I feigned offence but, though I've never found myself in the company of a glass eye, I'm sure there's an element of truth to this eye roll inducing dad joke. You see I hate silence when in the company of others (I fear it will border into the dreaded 'awkward silence' territory) and I also hate blank space. Though it signals potential, the expectation weighs heavily on me. Ergo I ramble or type voraciously. So I thought on this lazy Saturday that I'd pair things back and simply compile a list of my favourite things. For right now at least!

 (All images my own)

Loving all things pink & red (in a non-romantic way), rings on every finger, black clumpy boots & strappy spiked heels, both Naked palettes (because I'm extravagant like that), Smashbox everything, watches in gold & silver, my notebook (e.g. BFF) who goes with me everywhere, Ciate nail varnishes in a strict colour palette of pinks & reds only, my Moschino belt (thanks Han lol) & heart motifs on everything!

I'm noticing a worrying theme here. I must binge on all things pink and red before V-day and purge myself during the whole month of February to avoid turning into a walking, talking, cliche!

Nice & succinct right? Happy Saturday! 

Friday 16 January 2015

2015: THE YEAR OF THE 70s

(The 70's pinup with the hair that defined an era - best it stays there though)

So the fashion gods have spoken and announced their annual 'trend list', featuring all that we mere mortals will be decking ourselves out in over the coming months. Trend forecasting is something I approach with scepticism, some see it as a guideline but it errs on the side of the dictatorial. Despite choice still being a valid option, trends inform what is 'trendy' and it becomes ever harder to step outside of the predisposed sartorial generator. However, I still love a little gander and quite frankly my findings never fail to shock me, for example, have you heard that the UGG boot is back? Yes, cue mass groan. Yet there is one trend that is set to permeate all of our wardrobes this season and I can't say that I'm feeling sad about it. The swingy 60s are so passé, this time it's all about - not as Meghan Trainor would have us believe, that base - but the stylin' 70s.

Yet it's a path that should be approached with trepidation. One disco pose too many and you risk resembling an ABBA tribute act - unless that's what you're going for and all the more power to you. If you're tempted to try out 'the Farrah Fawcett' you know you're standing at the top of a very deep chasm, the likes of which you may never get out of should you take the plunge. That's a disclaimer to the trend in a nutshell if you will but I like specifics so here goes: how 70's is too 70's?
(Dirty *disco* dancing)
The flared trouser baffles me. Not so much in the material sense of the trousers themselves but in the pretty negative hype surrounding them. They've got quite the bad rep and unduly so might I add. I get it, flares denote bad fancy dress and flashbacks to dad's rocking questionable attire and hair longer than our own. However, hear me out. Flares are universally flattering, way more so than your beloved skinnies and whilst I'm on the subject of the slim fit denim variety, the flares sure do make a welcome change among the sea of drainpiped legs. They also offer a put together-ness that can only be reappropriated with a blazer, and who truthfully feels comfortable in a blazer ey? Yeah, didn't think so. 
(This could be going a step too far, but hey, whatever waters your plant) 
Are florals ever out of fashion, like seriously? The sartorial signifier that Spring has sprung, that just like a fresh daisy, Summertime is here and autumnal posies and digital prints speak of the winter months ahead. Yep, that was 2014 summed up in flowers and it's set to continue on. For all those who scoffed at their grandmother's curtains, look who's laughing now. Channel the floral in all it's guises, OTT and ditsy alike. They called it flower power for a reason ya know.
(They say that Sienna's never looked so good. Uh, hello, it's all down to the suede people)
The fabric of the era. A pain to get dry cleaned but totally worth it. Choose caramel tones, paired with unexpected pastel accents (look to Coach for inspiration) and don't turn your nose up at a patch or two. If it all sounds too retro for your sartorial proclivities, stick to a palette of black and accessorise with structured pieces in glossy finishes. Think of it as haute hippy if you will. 
(Channelling your inner cowgirl, but in the best possible way)

I love fringe detailing. It, however, hates me. It's devastating really, a true tale of unrequited love. Yet I remain undeterred in my pursuit for all things tassel-y. Despite the potential tangle opportunities (because there are many) I don't think anything speaks to the little bohemian in me more. The Just Cavalli beauties are pretty radical but there are other options that err on the more subtle, and frankly more sensible, side of the fashion wheel. Try an accessory or two and aim to keep jewellery to a minimum which in this case is code for, non-existent. You'll thank me for it, seriously. 

So go forth and enjoy wearing what is essentially a clashing of terms and eras: the modern retro, or is it, retro modern? I'll leave you to ponder the semantics of my ramblings, I'm going to press my flares and de-tangle my fringing.

(Images via: unknown, pinterest, tumblr, &