Thursday 1 January 2015


NYE. The abbreviation oft misread as NYC, resulting in great disappointment, because alas you won't be living up the new year in the land of supposed dreams. What will probably happen is that you will in fact be drinking shots in your local dive - or in my case, at your kitchen table. 

A whole year passed and another one beginning just in the single tick of the clock. There's this kind of myth surrounding the year's end, that it marks a great milestone and thus inspires some great change. However, I can vouch that the only thing changed is the date, my voice - or lack there of - and the few holiday pounds gained, due entirely to the sheer amount of chocolate I have unabashedly devoured over the last ten days.  

The spot that was cosily taking up residence on my chin (no, not that one, this is another one. Yipee) yesterday, is still well and truly holding anchorage there, my hair could still do with a wash and a pile of ironing still awaits me. 

We see the new year as a definitive closing of one chapter and a fresh page to start anew. To distance oneself from all that has gone before with the hope of tomorrow being a better day - and that goes for all of our tomorrows really. We live in optimism. But that's the thing with the coming of the new year, it puts the pressure of expectation upon us, which is made all the worse with the time old tradition of the 'New Year's Resolution'. 

Yes, it's good to have goals but the boundary between realistic and just plain ridiculous is very thin come this time of year - due possibly to the amount of alcohol consumption typical of such celebrations; but also because dreaming big is instilled in all of us. And of course, why shouldn't we strive for the seemingly impossible? 

However, my issue is this: should we really be limiting our own personal potential to the in-between time of one year to the next? 

Lists are great and there is nothing more satisfying than ticking off everything that you've set out to achieve, but this is possible during every single one of the 365 days that comprise the year. So write your lists. Think big. Live those dreams but be inspired everyday, not just when you've flipped the last page of your calendar! (Actually do people still use paper calendars?!) 

Forget your empty promises of 'being a better person' or 'being happy everyday' because frankly, they're futile. What's my first resolution I hear you ask? Organise a better outfit for the 1st of January next year!  

Happy New Year!!  

(None of the above images are my own and I do not take credit for them.
Images via: angelicablick & unknown)

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