Wednesday 26 November 2014


Sequins & Fluff

I don't want to over saturate the blog with Polyvores but it really is too addictive - plus my incessant cravings to shop, shop, SHOP, are *slightly* pacified by this virtual 'lets play dress-up' portal. And it really does satisfy my long forgotten collage-obsessed teenage self of yore. 

Killer shoes by Sophia Webster, but then again with a name like Sophia her shoes were always going to be stellar… I see shoes as my kryptonite. Sometimes I catch myself wishing for extra feet, so that I could wear more shoes at one time, but then I realise that this is in fact weird and I need to get a grip - or get a slightly healthier addiction (like smelling magic markers), before I get dangerously close to foot fetish territory! (Side note: My penchant for all things fluffy is still rife. See my earlier mentions of all things furry here.)  

I'm also thinking that some form of leather-like trouser needs to supplant my staple black jeans. Hmmm… Why is it that Christmas always makes me want to shop for myself. Evidently the first thing I need to invest in is a new moral compass, because mine has obviously gone askew. 

Anyone that knows me knows that I love a sequin. Not quite to the extent of the cast of 'Strictly Come Dancing' but not far off. Sequins for day, sequins for night; the only place that I won't do a sequin (weird phrasing there I know but YOLO) is at the gym. I like to sweat without being blinded by the shimmery glare of myself; plus the probability of being mistaken for a disco ball is too high for my ego to take. 

A good ol' statement bag finishes off the look because, well, I said so. And I'm also feeling purple lips at the moment. I've yet to try it out but in theory it seems like a good idea. I'm thinking that during a night of Christmas merriment would be a good time to give it a go. Beer goggles make people far more receptive to new things - as I'm sure the statistics of alcohol poisoning and unprotected one-night-stands exemplifies. 

Now all I need is an occasion to wear this well executed ensemble. Oh and the bank balance to afford it...
Balmain fringe tank top
$9,005 -

Yves Saint Laurent pants
$475 -

Sophia Webster high heel shoes
$935 -

Sophia Webster colorful purse
$605 -

Lips makeup

Tuesday 25 November 2014


(The Legend. 
Image via eonline)

Synopsis of the show: So the premise of the show is for the legendary Diane Von Furstenberg to find a brand ambassador for her eponymous fashion line. Sounds simple in theory but in practise it proves to be chaotic…

What To Anticipate: Expect to hear DVF repeatedly doubt her decision to do the show, exclaiming in the first episode: "I was getting dressed, and I was thinking 'Am I crazy?'"  - Oh the drama!

Why It's Worth A Watch: Not since the Whitney Port spinoff show from 'The Hills' has access been granted to the inner workings of the DVF headquarters. If like me,  you've had a hole in your life since the end of 'The City' then this is the show to fill that void and some. 

Meet DVF's team of fashion aficionados: Jessica Joffe -former It girl and current DVF style editor - is all icy stare and no nonsense (I <3 her), while Stefani Greenfield, who is SVP of merchandising, is like a terrifying headmistress bent on wrangling the girls into some semblance of DVF-ishness! DVF herself is fiercely passionate about both her brand and the girls, nurturing them with the compassion of a mother - a world away from the stereotypical frosty image of the fashion industry. 
(DVF & her gang.
Image via

The Downside: It's hard to even imagine that there could be anything even resembling a downside where DVF is concerned but I do question their choice of girls. Out of all the girls in the world (or maybe it's just America) I can't help feeling that the chosen girls were selected mainly for their entertainment value on the show rather than their fashion prowess or particularly moral characters. For example one of the first to go was a girl who intermittently spoke French as a means of alienating the other girls, valued her wardrobe at an astronomical amount (in a bid to show-off?), skyped her boyfriend in the DVF showroom and had an episode that left everyone wondering if she was in fact on drugs! Sound like DVF material to you? Yep, didn't think so. There's a bitch in the group (as labelled by Diane I might add), one thick accented Jersey girl, a couple who talk waaaay too fast and one with an amazing red afro atop her head. Not your typical DVF girl but the company's bid to connect with a new generation is evident and I think it's working.
(Where the magic happens.
Image via

The Conclusion: If you're still unsure whether or not to sacrifice sixty minutes of your Tuesday evening, then perhaps the prospect of being enriched by DVF's inspiring, thought-provoking and philosophical musings on life will entice you.

Here's Last Week's Inspirational Quote:     

"The success of every single woman is an inspiration for another" DVF

Oh and you can't forget the clothes. One day a DVF wrap dress will be in my possession. Until then, a Polyvore collage of make believe items will have to suffice. Here's my take on transitional styling, from down town kicks to uptown chic - such is the versatility of the wrap dress. 

One day it'll be mine. One day.

The Infamous DVF Wrap Dress - DownTown to Uptown

And don't forget to follow me on Polyvore! Click the link>>>
Diane Von Furstenberg floral dress
$550 -

Nicholas Kirkwood black shoes
$1,190 -

Rachel Entwistle gold jewelry
$550 -

Vans black hat
$34 -

MAC Cosmetics matte lipstick

Saturday 22 November 2014


Recently I discovered Polyvore - and I'm kinda addicted. It's like playing dress up only your model or, erm, sibling, isn't wriggling to get away. I've always been an avid scrap booker so the prospect of creating an online, interactive collage is very appealing to me.

Polyvore allows you to play virtual dress-up with pieces of clothing ranging from high street to high end couture. Consider it your online version of window shopping, because sometimes it's fun to play pretend. 

Here's one I've been working on. From me, this is the ideal night time look: killer heels and a va va va voom skirt. If only I had the bank balance to afford my every fashion fancy… but until then I'll keep playing online dress up! 

Click the button on the right to follow me on polyvore>>>

InTo The Wild: Night Time Dressing

Tuesday 18 November 2014


People talk of 'resting bitch face' non-stop. And I get it, woe is you and all that. My best friend suffers with this very condition. I'd never realised it until outsiders highlighted the situation. We laughed about it, because contrary to physical appearance, she isn't actually a bitch. 
Yeah I'm sure appearing standoffish is horrible but if you truly are a nice person then ya know, people will get over it. Smile more or something. 

But what if you're doomed to have a face that betrays your every thought, feeling and emotion? What then? Please someone tell me! I am cursed with a face that is an external reflection of everything that's going on internally. 

You know like when someone says something ridiculous, like so ridiculous that you all stop what you're doing to stare for a couple of minutes, but despite everyone's disbelief, etiquette keeps anyone from saying anything? Well I'd be there, staring on in silence like the rest of 'em, but because my face does all the talking for me, I get multiple huffs and eye rolls directed at me. 
(JLaw gets me)
I'm a slave to my face's every whim. 

Every 'fuck you!' thought I've ever had is guaranteed to have crossed my face long before I've had time to compose myself. 

And would you believe it, it gets worse! I'm honest (or at least I try to be!), couple that with the fact that I'm crap at thinking on my feet and you have a recipe for a stammering mess. 

Christmas is the worst time for it. Think of all the obscure presents received at this time of year from estranged (or just plain strange) relatives. Grateful though you may be, inside there will always be that little voice asking, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Most people have the power to suppress this impulse, I however, have no choice in the matter. Before I've even had the chance to squash the thought, it's already plastered across my face. In bold for added emphasis - because that's just what I need, right?!
(The existence of Gifs make me so happy that I'm not a celeb. Gotta love the facial impulses of Whitney though)

So next time you decide to chat about 'bitch face', how's about you spare a thought for those challenged with an overly expressive face?  

Regardless of what my face might be conveying right now, it truly is a burden.

(Images Via: & tumblr) 

Sunday 16 November 2014


Rarely do I panic about what to wear. In fact, rarely do I think about what to wear. I love my clothes and I've spent close to forever curating a wardrobe that befits my slap-dash style - a symptom of being terminally late. 
Clothes are such a handy way of communicating with the outside world - with the added bonus of pretty much zero verbal effort (I say 'pretty much' because guaranteed I will have to explain my outfit choice to someone, ahem father, at some point during the day.) 

This, I'm relieved to say, only happens occasionally but when it does, it well and truly shatters my mojo. (Side note: I'm looking into the possibilities of shatter proofing.) 

I'm currently doing an online internship and the opportunity arose for me to leave my metaphorical 'office' (i.e. my kitchen table) and visit the actual office. First came excitement, then the nerves crept in and lastly my wardrobe caved in on me. There I remained for three days, buried under sweaters and bereavement for my long lost fashion-know-how. I thought about collapsing dramatically but didn't have the time. I feigned proactivity but in reality, stood mimicking the comatose state of most teenagers on a Saturday night. 

Paralysed with mindlessness, I had too much choice and yet not enough. After a particularly enriching (code for expensive) few months I literally could not justify buying anything new. I could tell that my BFF, or should I say DC (debit card) felt abandoned but in the words of good ol' Swifty, "haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate" so it's a reasonable conclusion that savers gonna save, save… With this chiming in my ears, I did what any youth of today would do, I procrastinated. 

On the morning of the big day, I woke up, threw some stuff in a bag and zipped it up quicker than Kim K can catch a cork in a glass perched atop her ass. It was a hope for the best affair. Options are good but limitations are better - *sometimes* anyway. 

Fast forward two days and the internship was over (btw, I survived) and after much thought on a five hour train ride home, I'd decided that I was going to write a light hearted piece on what-to-wear to an internship. But to be quite honest I just couldn't do it. Just typing that made me snore, so I went back to the drawing board. 

For me, what to wear is important. Subconsciously I have always been drawn to the possibilities that clothing offers, not just aesthetically but as a means of offsetting my bumbling, accident-prone antics. I thus decided to write a behind the scenes rundown of the events leading up to my internship. So here goes. 

I decided upon wearing my Welsh blanket coat. It's a coat made from Welsh blankets if you hadn't guessed. It's a statement piece and in the words of my mother; "it makes me look tidy". However, due to the toe nipping weather at present I decided to keep warm by putting my hands (it's important to emphasise the plural here) in my pockets. A normal enough move I'm sure you'd agree. But alas, my penchant for rings was my downfall as I became ensnared in the loose threads that had come undone inside the lining of my  pockets. I was stuck in the stance of a two handled teapot. The struggle continued but eventually I freed myself. Needless to say, no one sat next to me on the train after this incident. 

Next up I decided to remember to take my vitamins. I reached into my pocket mindful this time of what awaited inside. With the painstaking dexterity of a rubix cube master as I slide my hand down the rabbit hole that is my pocket, my bangle slipped off my wrist and into the oblivion down the side of my seat. At first I thought that a ferret had taken up residence down there but on further inspection I realised that it was a thick layer of dust. One deep breath and my fingers went a-fishing. Nothing. This bracelet had made it all the way from OZ so I'd be damned if I lost it on a cross country journey! I swung my head between my legs in a last ditch attempt. Modesty a thing of the past, I spied the little blighter and nabbed it back. Little did I know I was being eagle eyed by a gaggle of older ladies. I'd never empathised more with Kevin & Perry as I did at that moment; immediately I thought, "no one understands me". 
Aaaand it doesn't end there. Amongst all of this cuffufle my body decided to have an unscheduled 'time of the month' moment. With nothing helpful in sight, the only silver lining was that I'd chosen to wear black jeans. I'd like to think this was my sixth sense kicking in, but 'fluke' might be more apt. To the outside world I was composed - inside I was a hormonal mess. Thank god for washing machines, and friends who let me hijack their washing machine! 

I also forgot to bring a change of socks… but I did watch Empire Records so all was not lost.

With all this happening pre-internship, I couldn't help but feel strangely relaxed when walking through their doors. Surely nothing else could go wrong? (Luckily this optimism worked in my favour - I did accidentally walk into the gents toilets but that was on my way out, when thankfully I was alone.) 

Ultimately what I wear doesn't stop me from inadvertently saying the wrong thing or doing any number of embarrassing things, but at least I can look good doing it. Face planting in fantastic heels (despite being the probable cause of said fall) is definitely the best case scenario. Could you say the same thing about falling in Crocs?! 
Hopefully my striped sports dress, vintage bolero and wedge booties distracted attention from my reddening cheeks. For some the sentiment 'you live and learn' rings true. For me however, 'you adapt to survive' is far more apt, as is the advice to always carry a spare pair of underwear.    

(None of the above images are my own)

Tuesday 11 November 2014


Once upon a time a young girl (me) was sat dreamily flicking through a magazine amongst the hubbub of the communal kitchen. It was game night, some team against another team. Come to think of it, it may have been amateur acrobatics or a live episode of Eastenders. Actually no, it was the football, which is pretty much the same thing, no? 

During an ad-break, Boyfriend and Brother approached me. What happened next truly astounded me. They began to talk fashion between themselves. This both fascinated and baffled me. As proof of this phenomenon, I jotted down the proceedings for the amusement of you all… 

First up was the MBMJ show. 

Primary thoughts: "good for skiing". 
Side note: neither have been skiing before. I can only see this as the reason behind the above assessment. 

As the football picked up a bit, their interest wavered. To appease me, they feigned excitement over the shoes. (Tip: Always ask life changing questions during the football.) 

Did not understand "squiff" bows and appeared to suffer great discomfort on sight of socks.

Conclusion: "Not a favourite."

Alexander McQueen

Had a very vehement reaction to the show. 
"White cape looks like something the army would wear whilst doing recon in the snow." As said by a 13year old boy.

And they just kept getting more and more succinct.

*Side Note: length of reviews are in direct proportion to how tense the game is. Here, for example, the ball hit the cross bar.


"Love because more basic".
Does that even constitute as a full sentence?!


*Glanced at pictures of tweed shopping basket and immediately held head in hands*

(Side Note: Not sure if I spied actual tears but the look of confusion was only broken with a quip about Stella Tennant's 'wig'. Shaking of head was quickly resumed.)


Liked the sheer dresses. *Surprise*
However, I was startled by subsequent analysis - "The accessories don't match!" Was about to launch into lesson on accessorising when fear shrouded over me. What have I turned them into?! 

An own goal by the opposition thwarted my trail of thought and we continued. 

Dolce & Gabbana

D&G proved a little bit too much for them to take in, resulting in random words being spouted out one after the other. "Robin Hood", "Widow", "In The Night Garden"… This last one actually made me WTF. I also feared for their sanity. After a few deep breaths, they refuted all hoods and questioned any and all semblance of practicality. On the plus side, they liked the idea of tiny treasure chests as handbags.


No words. Just a look to say, 'don't ask'. 


Again had issues with practicality. My conclusion; these guys need to lighten up. 

My protests are met with a shrug. 


One dress is deemed "cute". *Pause* I feel I've pushed them too far. I try to retreat before they start talking about doing each other's hair or our cycles sync up. 

Their team lost the game so any further prodding was met with a sombre shake of the head. There are now actual tears and they don't want to play anymore.

Nonetheless, insightful. Veeery insightful. 

(Images: Pinterest, Tumblr, Vogue, Daily Mail, Visionaire, Fashion-North)

Sunday 2 November 2014


The '7 Things I Learnt This Week' blog posts have kinda been taking over my blog of late. They acted like a safety net, to tide my blog over whilst life things got in the way. I thought about nixing them altogether but then The Fresh Prince popped into my head and I thought 'nah forget it'. Just before I jetted off to Bel Air I got to thinking and I concluded that maybe I'd been a bit irrational. So here it is, the same thing just slightly repackaged, and by that I mean, I gave it a *snappy* new name.

1. Buzzword of the week
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth. Consider that void in your life now officially filled. 

2. Sweet Times
I guess what were we to expect? They say inspiration is everywhere but who'd have thought it would have been found in quite such a mundane place as the kitchen cupboard?! Anya Hindmarch kicked things off with must-have cereal box bags and not to be left out, Mr Lagerfeld crafted tweed shopping baskets as the new accessory du jour. And apparently Lagerfeld isn't done, with his next iteration of the trend in the form of candy cuffs and strung sweets. All interspersed with the double C's of course. 

3. MAC Time for This One
Halloween may be over but that hasn't stopped MAC from creating a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' collection to mark their 40th anniversary. It's worth checking out just for the product names. I'm loving the Frank 'N' Furter red myself. 

4. Woolly Sandals?
As if learning that a fear of peanut butter sticking to your mouth wasn't riveting enough, I bring you more of the bizarre. The wonderful people over at Birkenstock have dreamt up a pair of shearing lined Birks. I can just about get on board with the socks and sandals combo but I draw the line at this one. Be prepared for these to be the new Stan Smiths. 

5. The Unlikeliest of Hair-spiration
I'm a bit late on this one but I feel like it's worth a mention. Just as an exclaimer, I'd like to point out that I'm not a fan of X-Factor. However, this year I caught the judges' houses section and I must admit that Mel B was looking good. Usually, squashed between Cheryl and Simon, she goes unnoticed but her braids and brightly patterned summer dresses were pretty damn cool! Too bad she re-discovered her straighteners as soon as she got back on British soil… 

6. Simply Titillating 
Kate Moss has been praised for many things, walked in countless shows and has numerous accolades to her name and now her money-making body has been immortalised in a slightly more, er, shall we say unique way. Joining the likes of Helen of Tory and Marie Antoinette, Mossy had the shape of her breast made into a champagne glass. Yes, you read that right. I'm waiting for it to be confirmed as to which breast you could be drinking out of. 

7. Style Hack
Every now and again I stumble upon something truly wonderful, that changes my life. Whilst you might think I'm being dramatic, I promise that this will have the same effect on you too. As an avid necklace wearer, I constantly face the battle against the tangle. WhoWhatWear saved me from this trauma. Thread your necklace through a straw and then re-do the clasp. Genius! Now go forth and lead a tangle-free life.

(Photos: huffington post, the daily mail,, entertainment-focus, freepeople, WhoWhatWear)