Friday 31 October 2014


I recently read an article that centred on David Beckham's innate ability to seem so open without actually disclosing anything. He appears approachable whilst maintaining that stoic level of privacy that fortifies brand Beckham. 

Whilst this opening may have all the men in my life enticed, I'm sorry to say that therein ends my Dai Becks talk. Soz. 

However, it did get me to thinking about the play between revealing information and remaining aloof. And I've come to the conclusion that it's a black art. 

I also read (I seem to have read a lot'a shit this week ey…) about a website whose sole purpose is to act as an escapist portal (although isn't that what all social media is?), that allows the user to anonymously post their secrets in a 'get it off your chest'/'problem shared is a problem halved' kinda way. 

I don't think I have many, if any, secrets to be honest. Rather annoyingly, all of the embarrassing things that happen to me in life (and there've been many) never happen in the privacy of my own company, oh no, I am always surrounded by an audience. And also I'm what they call a 'blabber mouth'. Not a spiller of other people's secrets but a sharer of my own. I like the relief it gives me. To conclude, this aforementioned website is of no use to me but I do think Mr Golden Balls is on to something. So here's my attempts at revealing everything for you to learn absolutely nothing. Enjoy.

Technology Schmechnology 
I'm an old fashioned pen 'n' paper kinda gal. When I say 'pass me my notebook', I mean the spiral bound, lined paper kind, not the fan-dangled, portable, iPad/tablet whatyamacallit?!

Teeth Trauma
I brush my teeth after I've done my makeup and gotten dressed. Yes, I'm a regular risk taker, but I'm a real dab hand at toothpaste removal.

Part-time Book Worm
I'm currently less than a hundred pages through four different books. Will I finish any of them? Who knows. 

Phantom Shopper
I love filling up my internet shopping basket with things that I know I'm not going to buy. I find it therapeutic going through the motions of choosing items, selecting a size/colour and clicking 'add to cart'. Weird. I know.

Despite hair being of little to no importance to me, I currently sit here with newly dyed blonde locks. Brushing my hair used to be the extent of my 'hairdressing', now I face the race against regrowth and the fear of brassy ends. 

Domestic Goddess 
I spend my Sundays watching cookery shows, despite the fact that I'm pretty much the poster girl for 'Cant Cook, Won't Cook'. It's probably better for all around me that I keep the cooking prowess to the professionals… 

Makeup Magic
And this last one, I'm most proud of. Call it my party trick. I can apply mascara with both hands. Yes I'm ambidextrous, not when it comes to writing mind you but then again I consider applying mascara without getting it across the bridge of your nose to be the most important of the two! 

So pop quiz. What have you learnt about me?  

(Photos: tumblr, pinterest, Lust for Life, Angelica Blick & ManRepeller)

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