Sunday 30 March 2014


So here we are. Day number one of official Spring time. And in spite of the grey tinged skies, I'm holding stedfast that this Summer will be a good, nay, a great one *imagine a chorus of trumpets sounding in the background*

(Image via ManRepeller)

And what better way to start this whole thing off than with a story.

The day started as most days do - with me in bed. However, after being woken up by faint shuffling downstairs, (my house is the antithesis of sound proof, devised by my parents to avoid any late night 'sneak out of bed' sessions when we were little. What I thought were my mother's magic powers were actually just squeaky floor boards) a cloud of confusion descended upon me. I tried to blink my sleep away but the world only half came into focus. I rolled into my duvet, hoping to hide away from the day but I noticed three obnoxiously yellow eyes staring back at me. They glared 8.03 at me. I blinked again and 3 less terrifying blue eyes smiled at me, faintly blinking 7.03. 

(Image via Angelica Blick)

My trusty clock radio and phone had conspired against me. They were out to get me. Each telling me different things. Had there been a power cut? I wanted to believe anything to justify staying in bed for that precious hour longer. But no. There was no power cut. This was Spring. I overestimated the power of technology  believing that it was supposed to do it all and allow us humans to become lazy and eventually irrelevant. But looks like my 'A.I' nightmares are a way off yet. (Note to self: Manually change alarm clock next year.)  

With this monologue running through my head, I realised that I couldn't prolong the inevitable any longer. 

Once up and dressed and everything else that I tend to distract myself with in the morning, I was finally ready to leave for work. Until… I remembered what I'd forgotten - to sign my Mother's Day card. I just had to find the damn thing. I question it now but we left my brother in charge of choosing the card this year. Have you ever tried to write in a singing card without setting the music off and waking the whole house up? And of course it couldn't be the dulcet tones of some lullaby. Oh no. It had to be Caribbean bongo drums, I mean what says I love you more than bongo drums ey?! I guess that's what you get when you leave a 12year old in charge. 

A rushed bowl of cereal and some old school OC later and I was ready to start the day. Flustered but alive.

Now to offset the ordeal that was my morning, I'm going to spend my afternoon lusting over flouncy things, walking barefoot and daisy chains - because who doesn't love wrapping themselves in weeds? 

Here's to surviving the Summer.

 (Images via: 4th & Bleeker, Am-Lul, Angelica Blick, ManRepeller & WGSN Tumblr) 

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