Wednesday 14 May 2014


I'm going out tonight. 'WOO' you'd think, but no. 

I'm stumped. Dressing up baffles me. I love it, but it always comes replete with mad dash, strewn clothes and a mine field of various obstacles that I must leap frog over on my return home.

(Photo from Lust For Life)
Nothing feels more comfortable than jeans & a t-shirt (or to spice things up a whole lot, occasionally a shirt), all nicely tied up with jewels galore and vertigo inducing heels - because no night would be complete without the fun and games that comes from trying to remain upright with both ankles intact.

Who needs tight bandage skirts and midriff baring tops? You'll never have to worry about scraped knees, being pocket-less or bothering with pesky leg stubble. The worst that can happen in a pair of jeans is you'll topple over and scuff the knees (which, in the midst of a distressed denim trend alert, isn't bad at all). And I don't know about you but loose change is always hidden in my back pockets, which comes in very handy when 'creepy guy' slurrily offers for you to share his taxi home. I can proudly count out my coins and firmly decline. Now tell me a bandage skirt could ever save you like that ey? 

I'll make sure to count the number of belly buttons on display tonight and report back, because, as is probably evident from my previous posts, I operate on a strictly need to know basis, and this is something that you need to know - if only to quell this trend of blatant over-exposure.  

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