Friday 5 December 2014


I like makeup as much as any girl. I go through phases where my procrastination of choice is actually watching makeup tutorials on YouTube. I vow to contour and buy a million different brushes to achieve 'the look' but then, well life gets in the way or I get distracted by something shiny and that is the indefinite end of that.
(Apparently this is the entire contents of Emma Watson's makeup bag. Why this should interest you, I'm not sure, but it's tidier than my makeup bag so her's wins out this time.)

I am however, a novice when it come to makeup application - hence my perusal of the aforementioned tutorials… I can just about fill my eyebrows in to a relative semblance of one another (remember they're not twins, they're sisters) and I consider this a huge feat. 

I'm pretty handy with a mascara wand too and with the right amount of smudging, I can create something in the region of a smokey eye. (Top tip: The more haphazard you are with your eyeliner application the more authentically Courtney Love-like your make-up will look; because who doesn't want to be a rockstar, right?!) 
(The ultimate lash lust has to go to the infamous Twiggy) 

With this in mind and the fact that my eyes resemble those of a cartoon character (describing them as rather large would be an understatement)I have never really bothered with fake eyelashes. On the one occasion that I did, the bloody things just annoyed me and the fear of them falling off was just too much for me to cope with. I have shunned them ever since. That is until I had my makeup done last Friday. The terror was written all across my face, leading the make-up artist to profusely reassure me that 'everything would be okay'. Turns out that having a professional on hand really does make a difference. 
(I don't know whether to be relieved or disappointed that my lashes didn't look like these…) 

For a whole day I felt like I was Jessica Rabbit, wearing the equivalent of a giraffe's neck in length above my eyes (I realise that this is a weird analogy but I'm going to run with it…) Night time fell and I knew we had to part ways, but I'd been told they could be re-used so I figured this was more 'see ya later' than  'adieu'. I sat at my dressing table and gave them one last flutter. Once removed, I realised that I hadn't thought this through. Where the hell was I to put them now? 

Here's what went through my head:

My Retainer Case: All I can say is that it was right in front of me, so it was a practical deduction. It might not be an explanation but it sure is a justification. However, the chances of accidentally swallowing one were just too high and I couldn't think of a sensible reason to explain to Boyfriend if this did in fact happen. NEXT!!

Glass Jar: With so many of these around the kitchen I thought that this was quite a logical idea. But the resemblance of these lashes to a spider really put me off. If faced with an RSPCA raid would my explanation fly? Doubt it. Moving on… 

Make-up Bag: If I thrust them into the abyss that is my make-up bag there's no actual guarantee that I'd see them again, making this a rather moot plan of action. 

Glasses Case: Anything with the word 'case' at the end became a possible vessel of rescue. I vetoed suitcase but glasses case seemed quite a viable choice. However, the chances of them sticking to my glasses lenses made me reconsider this option. All I needed to do was add an obnoxiously large nose and moustache and I could be mistaken for Mr Potato head. 

A Shelf: So this was my last thought on the matter. I could leave them to rest on a shelf. Although what with them being two miniature dust traps, this did leave me open to issues of cleanliness. Perhaps I can just blag the inevitable dust flecks off as glitter? It is the season of celebration after all… Just don't tell anyone. 

In all likelihood, I'll probably forget about them until I one day see them hanging out of my dog's mouth or stuck to the underside of my sock or something, but any suggestions are always welcome. Until then I'll stick to the familiar safety of my good ol' mascara.    
(Dear Father Christmas, Could I please have one of these this year to avoid reliving all of the hullaballoo as above mentioned? I'd be eternally grateful…)

(Pictures Via: Pinterest,, tumblr) 

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