Thursday 25 December 2014


So here's a round up of my Christmas this year:

It started off with no free time and a very late pay cheque, which resulted in a massive panic splurge and a pair of shoes that are unfortunately one size too small… This led to much turmoil; do I send them back and order new ones (which would mean that I'd have to fork out the p&p again - yeah, I know I'm tight), or just exchange them but risk delayed delivery… so I did what any procrastinator would do; I wrapped them and proceeded to blank the blunder from my mind. 

Then the second guessing kicked in. Will they like that? Do they need this? Am I crazy?! My most successful present to date is the orange hot chocolates I surprised my girls with, and I did it with only minor scolding to myself, a slight spillage down the side of the car (don't worry dad, it wasn't your car!) and a little bit rain soaked (for extra flavour). 

I was left in charge of the gift cards and ended up with one that had a wedding design on it and one that was clearly a from 'him to her' card. The sheer length of the queues, dazzling florescent lighting and pissed off cashiers really brought on a strong sense of panic, that I don't know about you, but really causes me to do nonsensical things… 

After swiftly being taken off present duty, I was given the task of peeling the potatoes, which ended in me chopping the top of my nail off. Putting the knife far, far away from myself, I then attempted to tidy - a safe pastime to keep me occupied. However, when I picked up the Christmas cake to put it away, not expecting it to be so heavy, I dropped the bloody thing and damn near flattened my finger. After almost swearing off Christmas altogether, I made the executive decision to leave the kitchen, before I lost a limb for real. 

The dog then collapsed, out of sheer excitement/exhaustion/for dramatic effect - I'm not sure, but just to clarify, he's okay now. And Christmas morning I was awoken by a very excited younger brother throwing a dressing gown at my face whilst playing a countdown… Happy bloody Christmas right?

So yes, that's my Christmas so far. Hopefully I'll manage to keep my outfit food free - it's always a good day when that happens, right? - and also spending quality time with my beautiful family.

To celebrate I thought I'd litter this post with beautiful pictures because well why not?! I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a healthy, happy new year!

(Images via: manrepeller, pinterest & unknown)
(None of the above images are my own and I do not claim credit over any of them)

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